Der ukrainische Präsident möchte mehr Schutzräume in Schulen bauen. Die Ukraine verstärkt Verteidigung an der Grenze zu Belarus. Schwere Kämpfe in der Ostukraine. Und: Wohl erste nordkoreanische Schützenpanzer an der Front entdeckt. Der Überblick.
“Panzer” is a general term in German, meaning armoured vehicle, not limited to main battle tanks (Kampfpanzer) mistranslations are thus exceedingly common.
This in particular is a Raketenjagdpanzer meaning a Jagdpanzer (hunting tank) armed with missiles, not to be confused with the more general category Panzerjäger (tank hunter) which is any vehicle that hunts tanks, not just armoured ones, and not just ground vehicles, and not just vehicles but also units. That is, Jagdpanzer are Panzerjäger which are themselves Panzer.
Some Anglos also get their standard issue underwear in a twist if you call the Gepard a flak tank – that’s quite literally its official designation in German: Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard, short FlakPz Gepard, more or less literally “flight offwarding cannon tank”. An “Infantry fighting vehicle”, fuzzy term if I’ve ever seen one (in Ukraine that can mean a Hillux) is a Schützenpanzer, “marksmen tank”.
IMO those translation errors shouldn’t be corrected, they can only clean up English terminology.
Technically the Bulsae-4 is an anti-tank missile carrier. Basically 8 TOW missiles on a wheeled BTR.
English source:
They’re probably extremely vulnerable to Ukrainian drone strikes.
Those don’t even look like tanks. Bad author. (OP’s author, this article is better.)
What should I change the title too?
Armored vehicles is probably a safe bet since that’s a big catch all term
done :)
I love the post-reddit era, where titles can be changed if they are not correct!
You had me in the first half, but the second is icing on the cake.
You shouldn’t.
Community rule #1 states the title must match the headline.
That rule is as rubbish as most headlines though
Western journalists when any vehicle has the slightest amount of armour: it’s a tank!
Anyway, this is sad and hilarious. The “second-best military in the world”, everyone!
AR-15:Rifle::Tank:Armored Vehicle
“Panzer” is a general term in German, meaning armoured vehicle, not limited to main battle tanks (Kampfpanzer) mistranslations are thus exceedingly common.
This in particular is a Raketenjagdpanzer meaning a Jagdpanzer (hunting tank) armed with missiles, not to be confused with the more general category Panzerjäger (tank hunter) which is any vehicle that hunts tanks, not just armoured ones, and not just ground vehicles, and not just vehicles but also units. That is, Jagdpanzer are Panzerjäger which are themselves Panzer.
Some Anglos also get their standard issue underwear in a twist if you call the Gepard a flak tank – that’s quite literally its official designation in German: Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard, short FlakPz Gepard, more or less literally “flight offwarding cannon tank”. An “Infantry fighting vehicle”, fuzzy term if I’ve ever seen one (in Ukraine that can mean a Hillux) is a Schützenpanzer, “marksmen tank”.
IMO those translation errors shouldn’t be corrected, they can only clean up English terminology.