• hddsx@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    As an anyone but Trump independent conservative in one of the states you stated, who is Walz and why would it make people in my state vote for Harris more than Harris already does? I didn’t like Biden and I don’t like Harris, but Harris is doing better than I ever thought possible. I really don’t see what a VP could do for her as far as my state goes. I think Harris is the selling point herself

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      As an anyone but Trump independent conservative in one of the states you stated

      Did you vote Undecided or uncommitted? Do you have friends or family in the ME? Are you a young person whose rights are being stripped away on college campuses, something that a candidate like Shapiro supports? Do you see US foreign policy as fundamentally racist and in support of a genocide? If you didn’t answer yes to those issues, or If you don’t support the Palestinian peoples cause, the VP pick might not be a deciding factor for you.

      The fact is 13% of voters in MI voted undecided, largely for the reasons I mentioned above, about 100,000 voters. MI only went Biden by 150k votes in the general. Wisconsin, 8.3%, Minnesota, 19%, unaffiliated or undecided or uninstructed. That’s a more than consequential number of voters who need to be brought back in for Harris to claim that state.

      If Harris is good enough for you, then she should be good enough for you regardless of her VP pick and you can just go back to not knowing who your neighboring states Governors are. But there are plenty who see her foreign policy as a direct extension of the Biden WH, and a guy like Shapiro is going to look like more of the same. This is how politics works. You have to make appeals to specific demographics and blocks of voters.

      The idea that winning elections has ever been about appeals to the center has always been incorrect. Winning elections is about appealing to and driving out specific demographics of voters.

      As a “Never Trump” conservative, you should consider yourself fortunate enough to at least have access to a party that has kept its sanity through the decades of mess that Republicans built up for us, starting with Reagan. Its a big tent party, and making demographic appeals based on policy are part of the process.

      Just because something isn’t a priority for you doesn’t mean it isn’t a priority for someone else.

      • hddsx@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        I wouldn’t call myself a “Never Trump” conservative, true that it may be. I’m more of a pro-healthcare, pro-science conservative. So while there are conservative values I agree with, I will never vote for people with the following views: anti-abortion, trans are not people, election was rigged with no proof, anti-vaccine, climate change is not real.

        But I guess I do understand that I’m not the target for VP appeal right now. I didn’t like Biden and I don’t like Harris. But anyone on the Democrat side is much better than anyone on the Republican side right now.

        Admittedly, I am warming on Harris. Yes, I don’t like her record incarcerating people of color in California. Yes, she did do it less than her predecessors - but she still did it. She is showing improvement.

        Whitmer, bad though she is, could help Harris with Michigan. Whitmer isn’t genuine but she understands the game, I suppose. People hate on me for not liking Whitmer, but after Trump left office I realized her main appeal was as a counter to Trump rhetoric. She does a bunch of stupid, symbolic stuff. She holds corporate interests over the people. She’s a politician because she wants power not because she wants to help people and I just can’t get behind that.

    • Botzo@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Here’s a recent and surprisingly short opinion piece I happened upon that sells him pretty well.

      It’s a Newsweek on MSN horror show website, so I went ahead and archived it.
