• DLSantini@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Republicans don’t want this, because while they like to claim “blah blah spending this, spending that”, it’s not actually about reducing spending, it’s about punishing the poor(and a wide range of minorities, obviously). So the fact that giving MORE people access to healthcare would cost much LESS money in the end, means fuck all to them. Their only goal is maximizing the suffering of anyone who ain’t them, and convincing their base that someone else is the cause of all of their troubles.

    Democrats meanwhile, have no interest in doing this either, since most of them aren’t even remotely progressives(whether they pretend to be or not), and like the Republicans, it doesn’t do much to line their pockets. As long as they can keep everyone just fucked over enough, while pretending to support progressive policies, the can keep pointing at the Republicans as boogeymen, saying “look, see what the right wants to keep from you? Better vote for us, or you’ll get trump again. ThIs iS THe mOSt imPOrTAnt elEcTIon oF yOUr lIfe.” But as soon as you vote them in, where does all of that support for those progressive policies go? POOF Never to be spoken of again, until next election, because they didn’t ever really support such policies in the first place.

    So sure, I’m not going to go so far as to say that both sides are the same. Because clearly one side at least isn’t trying to bring back literal Nazis. But make no mistake, even if you have to vote Democrat to desperately keep MAGA out of power, the Democrats are not your friend. Democrats are not leftists. The are center right, at best. It’s just the Republicans have completely lost the plot, and ran so far to the right, that everyone else looks to be left by comparison.