Some people (lol me) benefit from more structured discussions!

Let’s use this post to share questions as top level comments. I’m going to re-post some of the questions I had from this post and also from the lists of more generic book club questions found in this post. Anyone who has read/listened to the chapter should feel welcome to respond to any question. You don’t need to be an expert or to “know” the answer. Use this space to work out your own thoughts. This is valuable to your comrades!

Please feel free to post your own, and don’t be shy! We are here to learn and discuss. It’s okay to not get it all and you can’t learn if you don’t ask 💖

  • Arcanepotato@vegantheoryclub.orgOPM
    2 months ago

    I didn’t really understand the last few pages of the chapter. Colonized people are owed what was stolen from them. This I understand. But I am not understanding how

    So the capital, deprived of reliable outlets, remains blocked in Europe and frozen. Especially as the capitalists refuse to invest in their own country. Returns in this case are in fact minimal and the fiscal pressure disheartens the boldest.

    The situation in the long-term is catastrophic. Capital no longer circulates or else is considerably reduced. The Swiss banks refuse funding and Europe suffocates. Despite the enormous sums swallowed up by military expenditures, international capitalism is in desperate straits.

    Am I not understanding this simply because it did not happen? What did happen instead?

    I also understand that the third world did not form autocracies, which Fanon described as another threat.

    It is our duty, however, to tell and explain to the capitalist countries that they are wrong to think the fundamental issue of our time is the war between the socialist regime and them. An end must be put to this cold war that gets us nowhere, the nuclear arms race must be stopped and the underdeveloped regions must receive generous investments and technical aid. The fate of the world depends on the response given to this question.

    I don’t understand what threat existed that investment and technical aid to former colonies could save the world?