I’ve been reflecting on a concept since a conversation with another practitioner. What if immortality isn’t about stopping the cycle of death and life, but rather transforming it? It seems that the reason immortals are rare is that the process is incredibly challenging and not something people willingly endure.

From my own experiences with growth and the associated mental shifts, I wonder if the true cost of immortality is a devastating and aggressive rebirth of the soul and mind, possibly occurring every 25 years or so. This intense process might often lead to self-destruction (suicide) due to its severity. However, each cycle could also bring profound insights and deeper understanding of existence.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this perspective!

I have to add while I do not suggest trying this. I encourage teaching and learning as such. We need to acknowledge freedom of choice and expression. In the end all we can do is inform others or we taking away freewill.

  • JustADragon@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Some do, but not all. also do not forget sometimes people do not remember, and sometimes they try not to. I have encountered people who would do anything to get rest, or so they would say. and some of them actually did and tried terrible things, some of them without good reason. that said, I just needed to teach them some thigns because without them one might easily just see things as ethernal pain. as imortality shows people the opposite of what many people would seek. even more so for people who try to seek immortality. in my case I just know from my first memory, and later more and more awakens, but I know the most important things. multiple others like me have the same, though not all.