I’ve been reflecting on a concept since a conversation with another practitioner. What if immortality isn’t about stopping the cycle of death and life, but rather transforming it? It seems that the reason immortals are rare is that the process is incredibly challenging and not something people willingly endure.

From my own experiences with growth and the associated mental shifts, I wonder if the true cost of immortality is a devastating and aggressive rebirth of the soul and mind, possibly occurring every 25 years or so. This intense process might often lead to self-destruction (suicide) due to its severity. However, each cycle could also bring profound insights and deeper understanding of existence.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this perspective!

I have to add while I do not suggest trying this. I encourage teaching and learning as such. We need to acknowledge freedom of choice and expression. In the end all we can do is inform others or we taking away freewill.

  • JustADragon@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I am what people would call immortal(as I said, I would be honnest), so can discuss such things with you. but as asked bellow, do you speak from experience or memories, like noticing many memories stopping or fading at certain points or such?

    as for my understanding. there are some things I won’t speak yet perhaps, though anyone with a clear mind could find them. as for the cost, there is a cost to immortality, and sadly few people are ready to pay it. it isn’t the soul being reborn, or well, not the true soul, what humans call soul would change probably as that is more just the energy body. but the true soul of a immortal is immortal and always itself, that is what makes one immortal, they do learn and all, but there is some true essense behind us which will ethernally remain true, we need to be able to see or even be all but not be blinded by it.

    the cost is simple, one who is immortal shall in a world like this ethernally be faced by it’s own opposite. being immortal means facing death ethernally. as well as facing that nothing remains to be always other than ourself. ask a human if they would want to only dream for the rest of their life, or if they would want to only play a certain offline game for the rest of their life. in both cases they probably won’t because they won’t see it as real and so meaningless. when immortal all in a world like this is just like a dream or game, nothing other than memory remains. currently I am not in the right feeling to explain things properly. but immortality is a contradiction. one which few people would be able to bear.

    many people seek to become immortal to avoid death, but the reality would be the opposite, as one would be forced to face death and destruction, all we know dieing or disapearing/breaking down/being gone before one would even properly notice they are there, close your eyes one night and find all you knew to be gone. many humans already can’t take it happening once, let alone constantly.

    Immortality is more being close to death than avoiding it. Once I encountered death, all feared her and tried to keep her away, I did not. and while they tried to build their walls to keep her out I saw her and noticed she was already inside. yet still I did not fear her. I went to her and we danced, you could see it essentially like love. a immortal in love with death itself. not because I wanted to die. actually I didn’t want that, and didn’t even concider it a possibility. but because death didn’t die. death remained while pretty much all else would be gone as soon as it came. in this dance with death, I liked that she felt strong as in someone I could be more me around, someone who wouldn’t die or similar whenever I would show myself and my feelings to them. but like always things went different than expected, I went/looked away for just a moment and when I looked back I was yet again surrounded by death, but death herself was gone, I feared she to had died, thought it should be impossible for death itself to die, so searched between the dead to see if I could find her, but I could not, so I hoped she just left. but don’t remember seeing her since. death still exists as things still die, but I couldn’t find her.

    that dance with death is but one example. just know immortality is always a contradiction, yet at the same time the contrast it creates, creates one truth. all the good and bad, all just give us perspective.

    that said I love almost anything as long as not corrupt/evil(where those definitions are like when done from hate or such).

    as mentioned only memories remain, so I focus on meaning, feeling, and the small things as I had told before, but now you might get the context.

    perhaps some other moment I might be in a better state to explain things, as sometimes my mind has trouble getting or staying excited and so feeling. and in me that makes a huge difference, where in most people things always matter a bit and will and feeling only affect them a bit, for me it is huge. for simplicity just imagine this: having done and seen pretty much everything endless times, so both being good when you feel like it and let your feeling and so all those memories help your in a excited rush, but at the same time most things would have gotten kind of boring or feeling less. it is actually because of that, that we learn our own opposites, by doing so we can feel. it is also because of that, that so much holds value even in a world like this.

    and unlike common conception, I do actually want to be, and I want to be for ever and ethernal. and I am. and I care about so many things, yet all of them tend to give insane pain as they all disapear or die so often. and that pain hurts so much I hate it, but at the same time I also love it, because it is that same pain which shows me feeling and value, as well as love and such. To many people, many things are unimaginable. like thinking and seeing like that. even less so they would expect me, being like that yet always holding true in what I truly am. yet I am.

    in the eyes of people it could look like a curse, and it can be seen as such, as all the pain is there indeed. and perhaps even more so the fear. the fear of people and things around me dieing or dissapearing. of me hurting them, and many people would avoid others in such a situation, but I don’t. because where others would avoid their own pain, I see that all those people I meet are important to meet and be close to, because they only last so short, and in the end they will only be a memory, but that is only if I remember them. essentially being around them and remembering them gives them value or acknowledges it. their ends would be soon anyway, so best to value them as much as possible in how short they have. even though many of them do not see it that way(which leads to yet another contradiction: while my perspective of Time is very different and what seems long to many seeming short to me, I also feel much more of a urge to avoid wasting time, and when I actually care about people to have as much fun with them as possible, as often as possible because I know that in most cases most of them won’t last long.

    I am sorry for not being in the right feel to write something propper now, perhaps later I can write it better. Sorry for my bad English -Just a Dragon