Final Article

The Moscow region does not produce enough electricity to meet its own needs.

As of December 2021:

  • Electricity generation in Moscow and the Moscow region was 8186.5 million kWh.
  • Consumption was 11989.5 million kWh.

Where does the missing energy come from? Typically, Moscow obtains it from neighboring regions.

For example:

  • Tver Region produces 4168.6 million kWh and consumes only 907.3 million kWh.

To significantly reduce Moscow’s power supply, it is enough to disable several large thermal power stations. This is relatively easy, as recent events have demonstrated.

Additionally, major nuclear plants such as the Kalinin, Voronezh, Kursk, and Smolensk plants can be shut down. This does not require physical destruction: creating a security threat can lead to reactors being put into idle mode or shut down.

If NATO decides to seriously target Moscow’s power supply, it could accomplish this task.


  • #Energy
  • #PowerSupply
  • #Moscow
  • #TverRegion
  • #EnergySecurity
  • #ThermalPowerStations
  • #NuclearPlants
  • #RegionalEnergy
  • #NATO