We’re baaaaaack! After a hiatus due to vacation, we’re resuming our regular #NewstodonFriday thread. In case you’ve forgotten, its purpose is to highlight the work of newsrooms that are active in the fediverse. Please boost the posts you like, follow the profiles you discover, donate money, comment, and let us know about other newsrooms and journos that we should feature.
#Media #Journalism #News #MastodonMigration #FollowFriday
@Burnt_Veggies@mstdn.social @404mediaco@mastodon.social @jasonkoebler@mastodon.social It certainly speaks volumes about the pharma industry that people have to go to such lengths to access lifesaving drugs.
@Flipboard@flipboard.social @404mediaco@mastodon.social @jasonkoebler@mastodon.social
I’m definitely not shilling for the pharma industry. They have been ripping people off for decades. But, people who have not been through medical school or pharmacy school diagnosing themselves and preparing their own medication is a recipe for disaster.