take screenshots of your outputs!

  • wthit56@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Cool…? I guess you should add a link to this post so people can just go look at it, instead of just look at an image ;p Also, “screenshot-plugin” seems to not actually exist so the instructions in the image will not work.

    Have you renamed it to “simple-screenshot-plugin” perhaps? https://perchance.org/simple-screenshot-plugin

    Could I make some suggestions for changes to how this works? I could make my own, but since you’ve put the effort into making this in the first place I don’t want to derail that if I can help it.

    Allow passing a full query selector / element reference to the function.

    Have functions to call to just render the canvas and get that canvas. Another to render and get a data url. Another to render and download.

    And possibly one to download a data url image, and another to download a canvas image.

    Doesn’t need any more coding really, just moving some code around. And makes what you could use the plugin for waaaaay more versatile.