The full case report by leading Australian researcher Bill Chalker was published in the Spring 1999 edition of International UFO Reporter, the quarterly journal of the Chicago-based J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). The following summary is published with Chalker’s permission and assistance.

Khoury told Chalker that his encounter of July 23, 1992 began at 7:30 in the morning while he was in bed. He had recently been injured at work and was taking pain medication. Earlier that morning, he had driven his wife to work, then returned home and went back to bed for a short while. Suddenly, he bolted wide awake and sat up. There were two humanoid females sitting on the bed, both entirely naked…

Without the blond hair sample, the story told by Peter Khoury is but one more in an almost endless sequence of wrenching, but unprovable, abduction accounts. The hair, however, changes everything. It undeniably exists, and thorough forensic testing shows that it is anomalous. It seems likely that no person with blond hair and an exact DNA match to Khoury’s blonde could be found in the city of Sydney, nor on the continent of Australia, nor — probably — anywhere in the world.

Who then was the being whose blond hair inexplicably became wrapped around Peter Khoury’s penis?

“Are we dealing with ‘humans’ from elsewhere, namely those with human DNA, albeit very rare and somewhat anomolous?” asks Bill Chalker. “This case raises all sorts of issues, such as human ‘panspermia’” — the theory that human-like beings may have migrated to Earth in the fairly recent past from elsewhere in the galaxy, perhaps giving rise to the sudden appearance of modern homo sapiens sapiens, a species not directly descended from their immediate predecessors, the Neanderthals