When your pay is high the marketplace punishes you with higher rates and essentially forces you onto your employer plan. It’s not a real functioning marketplace
I would imagine you get to your out-of-pocket max pretty quick. Look for something more expensive that has the lowest OOP max maybe? Sorry that sucks dude.
Can you not simply purchase a better plan from the ACA market? Not trying to be a smart ass, just curious.
When your pay is high the marketplace punishes you with higher rates and essentially forces you onto your employer plan. It’s not a real functioning marketplace
There isn’t really such a thing as “good” in the health insurance market. It’s all varying degrees of shitty
The worst/lowest cost plan with premiums and deductibles was about $1300mo
I would imagine you get to your out-of-pocket max pretty quick. Look for something more expensive that has the lowest OOP max maybe? Sorry that sucks dude.
I’ve been in a similar situation and my experience was that the open market insurance was a worse rate than company insurance.