Have they not seen UHF?
It’s like they haven’t even tried finding the marble in the oatmeal.
Stupid!!! Sooooo STUUUUUPIIIIID!!!
Lorne Michaels is probably afraid of how funny Yankovic can be.
No matter where I am, if I walk past any fish counter… “Ohhh, red snapper! Very tasty!”Every time. Also, “what’s in the box!?!”
But actually, red snapper is lowkey good though.
Lorne Michaels, the creator of SNL, whilst making his mark on television, has ALWAYS been a huge snob, catering to almost solely top tier Comedy, Movie and Music stars as hosts for the first 40 years of the show, he’s only just recently in the last decade been feathering in Television stars, mostly due to the advent of streaming and movie people working more in a television format. Michaels probably doesn’t see Weird Al for the brilliance Yankovic always possessed and produced.
It is so wild to me that someone in the comedy business didn’t have weird al in s-tier celebs. When it is considered an honor to have someone “make fun” of you, that’s a good guest star!
And he is just awesome all around, always respectful. Long live Weird Al! 🤘
Lorne is a dick, and Al is too smart for him. Playing by SNL’s rules and dealing with their own writers would not end well.
Al would probably spend the first year making his guests host the show and interview him, but he is just impossible to get info out of and keeps redirecting the conversation to the hosts “side projects”
Weird Al is too good for SNL.
He let Elon Musk host once, I don’t think is standards are quite as high as you are implying.
Standards can and will be dropped at the first sign of a big enough check made out to Lorne
How the fuck could he host it after Madonna murdered him on stage in the 80’s!?
Does no one remember that?Can you post a link?
It was part of the completely true documentary of his life. The guy who played the late Mr Yankovic seems pretty good. He might have a future in the biz, if only he could find a role in a kids’ fantasy movie.
Fuck Micheal Jackson for stealing his music
Before that he just has to take whatever whacky insane roles he can find to prove he’s not just one thing
Pictures taken moments before disaster:
I knew she was kinky but damn
Funny enough there doesn’t seem to be any footage of the 1985 assassination. Interesting cover up, I think.
(The movie is way better than the trailer makes it out to be)
I wonder if the new Al knows the new Avril
I think they’re referring to the documentary with Daniel Radcliffe playing him (but I never saw it so I can’t be certain). Apparently Weird Al said they could just write whatever story they wanted about his life or something like that and seemingly they ran with that.
I generally like Weird Al and his works, but I don’t really get that … Joke? Seems like it makes the “documentary” pretty pointless.
It’s not a documentary, it’s a fictional biopic
It’s literally a parody of biopics, which now that I think about it is the perfect way to make a Weird Al biopic.
Also based off a funnyordie video a few years ago with Aaron Paul as Weird Al.
Thank you for the explanation.
SNL has their own writers and creative staff. If Weird Al were to be a guest host, he would need to play by their rules and perform their material. And SNL’s comedy style isn’t really congruent with what Weird Al does.
I wouldn’t want to see him on SNL unless he and his people got to work with the creative staff from top to bottom.
They do include the host in the writing process right? The horrible Steven Seagal one comes to mind.
They definitely have a seat at the table. They need know what the host is able and willing to do, at the very least.
… I mean I think he’s aware of how it works. Weird Al, given his track record with respecting other people’s work even above what he is required to do, doesn’t seem like the type to ask to be a part of it and then demand it to be done his way.
I think they could make something work. SNL has its own style, but they tend to adore when they have comedic hosts who will play the goofy roles. Weird Al seems like a great fit… Musical numbers, collaborations with Please Don’t Destroy… I think it has big potential.
They do cater to the host. Bad Bunny got the first Spanish sketch, Adam Driver always gets stuff he can play hilariously serious. They would absolutely figure out sketches for Weird Al. I know people love to shit on SNL but they have a lot of extremely talented people.
I didn’t think anyone gave a shit about SNL for the last 20 years…
I watch it all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My friends watch it all the time and make it my problem. God, that “Covid but good” skit was painful to sit though.
This is kind of a meme for the shows whole run. Every generation talks about how SNL isn’t what it used to be. And it’s often true. The only SNLs we remember are handfuls of seasons when the show accidentally ran an all-star cast that pumped out iconic skits then went on to become huge names. Then there’s decades in between when not much is happening cause there may be one or two great comedians on the cast but the cast doesn’t click like when it’s at its best.
And hell, The Lonely Island was a cultural phenomenon and they grew right out of SNL in the early 10s so it definitely hasn’t been 20 years, maybe 10.
“SNL is trash now” says person 5 years after they started watching it in HS/college
it occasionally has a skit worth watching
This is the equivalent to saying “hey, nice weather today” in how original and boring it is.
This happened within the last 20 years https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hzMzFGgmQOc
Ima let you finish, but Tom Hanks was in the best black jeopardy skit
This is just “remember when /b/ was good?” for old people.
OK Elon let’s get you to bed
Some people like to watch barely funny skits stretched for far too long.
Hahaha. I said something similar on Reddit a few months ago and got downvoted to hell. And instead of just telling me a skit to watch or a show to watch they just told me that I was wrong. So just cuz the show that it definitely gone downhill and is not worth watching.
Why would he want to? He’s funny, SNL isn’t. Doesn’t seem like a good fit.