self-explenatory 🦆
(Not my art)
(Not my art)
Oh, this is amazing!
This is how the older hardcore democrats see Biden
QuACk! qUAcK!
Get out of here with that actual talent. /s
Oops, sorry!
You win
Lol thanks!
Thank you!
Wow… Just wow…
username checks out 👍
I had to.
Gondor, stop burninating the countryside!
Ok fine, I’ll give you a cookie too…
He NEVER calls for aid
If you haven’t checked in years is pretty much fully functional again thanks to the Ruffle Project
woah, that’s actually flippin’ awesome! Thanks for letting us know Chief!
Those Vs are consummate.
That’s an S and a more different S alright.
You stop that. Stop that right now. We will not bring trends from that other site here, no matter how well executed that are.
Thanks for the gold, kind stran-
Oh no…
Edit: Wow! 30 upvotes! I’ve never had this many. I want to thank my mom and the Lord god
This right here!! Take all my updoots
Trogdor was popular way before Reddit
I think they’re talking about the “Lemmy Gold”
which I totally stile from someone else btw
I’m talking about gold
I get it, but we already brought most of the communities and content over…
What site did it originate from?
Myspace was rad! Why would we not bring trends from there to here? I was expecting 4chan, Facebook, or Reddit.
Yeah… Look at that big beefy bicep. That’s lookin’ pretty good.
You made drawing fun!
Look at those consummate Vs.
This is a work of art
Needs more v’s.
Incredible! 😁
Poopenating the country side
I officially decree that this needs to become a viral meme, Lemmy let’s do what we’re good at and pound this horse into paste
That dragon is based on Trogdor, which is 21 years old now! He’s old internet culture, so he’s already gotten pretty viral. If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d highly recommend checking out the OG source, which still holds up today. :D
Trogdor, which is 21 years old now
Oof, right in my consummate v’s…
Oh yes, I meant this particular variation. This seems like it would be popular with a wider audience.
Naw. It needs jeans. Or beans. Or both.
deleted by creator
duck girl
i haven’t drawn a person since grade school but this post has given me the courage
A business bird!
Bidness boils down to
I love this sort of art style
He’s so cute 🥺 I love his lil plump face
Granny Duck!
PhD in Quackery
Three ducks in a trench coat
Add an exclamation point to the front of the image <3
Like this: ![](https://happy.quack) Not this: [](https://sad.quack)
Thank you!
jpeg artifacts added for your convenience
Cursed quacku
This is the stuff of nightmares. Love it
Don’t tell anyone, but I am not a trained duckologist.
I love this one. I’m imagining really loud quacking
Is this based on that famous painting, is it called Scream?
Edit: For those interested it’s Edvard Munch
Van Gogh- The Scream.Edit: For those interested it’s Van Gogh - The Scream.
Is this some Swedish psyop meant to trigger Norwegians? The Scream was painted by Edvard Munch.
You also didn’t link to the actual painting.
Uh… my bad I swear some sources said VG and not Munch.
Apologies for the misinformation.
Nah, it’s alright! Don’t worry about it, it’s always alright to insult Norwegians.
I think you mean The Quack
I tried to yea
I’m no art expert but I’d say you excelled.
“Ooh, where–”
I realized how little I know about ducks.
Edit: done with controlled text to image ai tools, just to be clear. I am not this talented lol
Minimalist - beautiful
Arch user