• 11111one11111@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Ima be 100% honest and apologize now if I fuck up any vernacular here and feel free to just reply with BYYYYYYYE FELICIA! if this a fuck off kinda questions…

    Why do you think there is such seemingly close correlation between non-binary peoples and the drive to let everyone know you are not cis? I’m totally not using the literal you either. Nor am I bitching or fussing about your comment in the slightest either. You just slipped it in there so comfortably that I figured why not take comment or two to ask for some clarity for things I feel like I should know for the coming future if I want to keep my nieces essay framed that says her Uncle 11111ONE11111 is her favorite family member because he is super cool and way cooler than Fake Name (I don’t really haven’t framed she had to turn it in at school but I lost it when I got the part where she called her father, my brother by his full name hahahah straight up Bart Simpson style.) She didn’t write but those were her answers to the prompted questions of the kindergarten homework. She is so smart and ther has yet and as far as I can expect, never will be a question she asks that I don’t give her my best explanation I can and will not stop her from going too far down any rabbit holes.

    I remember Will and Grace blowing up, gay dudes and gay dudettes were almost fashion accessories it would seem at times. Then I remember and this all may be so ancient or anecdotal that I’m way off target but I remember the first time I heard my buddies dad call this like coming out Facebook post by some kid from our hometown “tacky as fuck.” He came iut when he was 45 so he was kinda more bitter and sooooo fucking quick to calling me or his son a fag hahahah for like anything. “Stop carrying the hamper on your hip you look like a fag.” Will always be my favorite. What I’m getting at is he was the only gay dude Ive heard share the type of tacky sentiment. One of his boyfriend’s at one point explained it as dramatic gays are like dramatic lesbians, they are only gay for as long as it’s popular. It just sounded bitter at the time until around my mid 20’s I noticed every girl who it was common knowledge were gay started all getting married having kids and settling down