you would believe how bad these guys are at understanding basic shit
[let’s see how long for this post to turn into a shooting gallery]
hello my fellow ordinary software developers. lazy newcomers wanting money and laziness, am I right? the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
anyway, here are my astonishingly thin takes on imperialism and why it’s definitely never something Russia does
Meanwhile, actual Pastafarians (hi!) know that the Russian Federation openly persecutes the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for failing to help the government in its authoritarian activities, and also that we’re called to be anti-authoritarian. The Fifth Rather:
May you never run out of breadsticks, travelers.
Wow, it took until 2024 but politics have finally arrived into software. Having politics is not at all in the spirit of the GPL. Not giving these people a privileged access to the codebase is discrimination obviously. What do you have against apolitical entities like Baikal Electronics?
it’s also hilarious just how much the sentence structure is a shining beacon indicating sockpuppeting
wonder how many orange posters will eat this shit up uncritically because they’re too used to their shitty filters not shoving this shit out the door
Wait, is a Russian troll trying to paint USA in a bad light by mentioning… Poland? Famously a nation that suffered immensely from the USA and only benefited from its eastern Russian Friends and Liberators.
Russia complaining that the US sells too many weapons is an awkward line when the AK platform is the universal symbol for armed conflict across the globe.