Boss announces he will break the law.
Why can’t these regulations be actual crimes, with criminal consequences for the perpetrator. And if he’s ordering someone else to do the firing, it’s “conspiracy to commit regulatory fraud”.
It’ll keep getting worse until heads suddenly start rolling.
He’ll fire workers… what workers exactly? As far as I can tell, he hasn’t actually run a business in 25 years. He got rich when Mattel bought his company in 1999, but then they fired him. He invested in a storage facility company, was on the board of directors but never actually had any employees reporting to him, and then he sold that investment, making him more money.
Since then, he’s had a number of vanity projects name after himself: O’Leary Funds, O’Leary Ventures, O’Leary Books, O’Leary Fine Wines, I don’t know if any of them are still in business, but if they are, I can’t imagine he has more than a handful of employees.
Now he’s just a reality TV personality, so of course he’s going to say bullshit that gets him in the spotlight.
Why would anybody take advice from a reality TV personality who hasn’t managed any employees in a quarter of a century? Especially given that he’s probably just saying bullshit to get his name in the spotlight again.
This is guy’s grift is playing daddy capitalist while real owners do actual capitalism.
A useful whore for the regime.
So, real life capitalism.
People born on Third Base who think they hit a triple making demands.
Where’s all the action? All I’ve seen is the sub guy and a ship captain actually follow through
If I was actively planning on murdering some of the richest people on earth, I wouldn’t talk about it on social media.
People you’re talking about OWN the violence needed to stop them.
What I would be doing is joining the organizations that control the violence and either disrupt or try and take control of some or all of it.
History is going to be very unkind to people like Biden who has the means and legal right to mobilize and contain the fascists that ended American democracy and destroyed modern civilization
You join the violent organisations, either you are assimilated, or you are cast out (or worse). That’s how they work.
Fight Club style. If you’re able to keep yourself from assimilating or being discovered, it could work.
I’m gonna steal this, it’s beautiful!
Can we throw non-voters on that list?
The fuck?
Non-voters directly assist Trump. Put ‘em in there with the rest of his cronies.
if you guillotine all non-voters, the number of non-voters stays the same
So I’m guessing you’d put Trump voters on there too?
Well, no shit
This is exactly why we need unions. Just like not having weekends off, it’s normal until it isn’t.
I’ve been working 40 years, I have never had weekends off.
Oh man that’s rough, I’m sorry you’ve not had that. I hope you’ve managed to find other opportunities to spend time with family or do things that you enjoy
Some industries are weekend industries; for Hospitality, Retail and Tourism, Saturday and Sunday are the equivalent of Monday and Tuesday for the 9-5 crowd.
That said, Monday and Tuesday are usually the Saturday and Sunday for these workers. Us “Normies” don’t usually particle in fine dining, clubbing or tourist traps on Monday and Tuesdays.
You are right though, Retail and Hospitality workers do need to get better unions so they can get paid a living wage and aren’t being forced to work 7 days a week for 12 hour shifts.
Shut up and sit down you big bald fuck
Ontario has beaches.
Ashamed this piece of shit is Canadian…
Not if you ask half his province.
Who dreams up crap like Kevin O’leary??
This old asshole doesn’t talk to his workers.
It’s not about money. It’s about being a petty tyrant and lording over the peasants.
Fuck the wealthy.
Up next on the news: abusive boss wonders why he can’t retain staff. Should the board step in? Shareholders say yes
Wow, I would very much like to punch this guy in the face.
German has a word for this guy:
(colloquial) a punchable face; a face “in need of a punch”.
I thought the German term for someone needing a fist to the face was Nazi.
With a car.
Alternatively we could just get whoever designed Lady Gaga’s ridiculous meat suit from a decade back, get another one made, put it on Mr. Punchable Face here, and toss him into an actual shark tank.
That seems fitting.
Just skip the suit and give him the ol French treatment.
The sharks will still be fed.
deleted by creator
If you look away slightly from that picture, your peripheral sense of a complete fucking asshole will fill in the cigar in his right hand
I’m skeptical of the claim that this regulation “allows” anyone to do anything. That’s now how regulations work.
Yeah. The more accurate wording is “forbids employers from retaliating against employees who–”
Idk who Kevin O’Leary is but I’m pretty sure he’s not my supervisor.