spiderman noir
Nicolas Cage
Go watch spider verse
And then watch both of them again to see if you can spot all the single-frame gags.
How long till they get desperate enough and make a Spider-Ham movie? 😂
Why Nicholas Cage? Does he still have star power or did people mistake memes as legitimate interest in him?
He voiced the character in the animated Spider-Man Into The Spider-verse
Didn’t watch much of his movie but he’s actually pretty good in Pig, a movie i don’t “get”. Also good as Spider Noir in Spiderverse. His range is pretty good too, but i guess that’s the outcome of accepting basically any type of movie, but generally grumpy character fits him.
Nic Cage is great
And, I know I’m going to sound crazy, I promise I’m not under duress, he’s a good actor.
He is a good actor. You don’t have to apologize for saying that.
I fucking loved Willy’s Wonderland.
Who the hell doesn’t love Nicolas Cage?
Blink twice and we mount a rescue operation.
He can be a good actor.
I don’t answer questions that are explained in articles, but if you insist on not reading it you could try Googling “Into The Spider-Verse”