What the fuck? This is news worthy!
If CEOs and billionaires wanted the system to change they could change it. They don’t. They like it this way. They like being “obligated” to pursue profit at all cost, they’d do it anyway.
“I want to do the right thing but it’s slightly more expensive”
Im just a person reading a text post but it feels to me like he is trying to get you to breakup with him.
An issue too many people turn a blind eye to. Thanks for sharing this.
<3 to our Intersex community
Nic Cage is great
Kum Kum
I hate trump.
This does not come across as a trolling attempt. Just seems like an appeal to working class photo op.
I think the point comes across pretty well. “Alienated” doesn’t have a very positive connotation.
So they travel there and see it with their eyes and ears, and Im supposed to reject that because of the party line that its horrible over there?
The dog is a boy
Damn a link on a link aggregator
Asshat with three posts calling other people lazy
the majority of men’s bodies are shit to look at
Hard disagree. I think you’re probably just not attracted to dudes.
Jesus dude
There’s a lot of rationalizing in the article to cover up the fact they just really wanted to smell the mummies