Got confirmation on my official moving day. I’m off on the 18th. Officially, my bed here closed on the 20th, so I’ll have an extra 2 days. But they agreed to get a removalist for me to take my bed and dresser, and they’re coming on the 18th
Sorted out of all the utilities, I think. Internet proved the most difficult, because just about every single company had rules about being over 18, and when I went through NBNCo’s terms and conditions, it even seems to be an NBN requirement as opposed to just a telco thing. But my phone provider, Amaysim, recently launched NBN services too, and don’t stipulate an age requirement anywhere in the ToS, just that if they need to rewire anything, an adult must be present. Power and gas were easy enough, I had to do it over the phone, and only got to choose from 1 company that would have anything to do with me. I didn’t have to do anything about water, I think the agency handled that for me
The department also funds initial transition costs (they’re still my legal guardian for another 3 months), so I don’t need to pay for my own furniture, appliances, or basic things like cutlery or crockery. Although it’s making me nervous that I’m 17 days away from moving in and I don’t even own a cup yet. Not critical just yet though, but if it gets dangerously close, I’ll just go to Vinnies and buy a couple of things to get by
Knives are a fucking pain in the arse to buy though. I have to get somebody else to buy them for me :/ (also a pretty good example of why I despise blanket laws with no exemptions. I hate constantly feeling like I slip through every crack available and get screwed over by poorly thought out legislation. But that’s an example for another time)
Got a whole lot of household stuff I’ve been thinking about selling because I’m moving away. Better give them to you. IKEA drill set, hammer and screwdriver set, space heater, baskets and tubs and stools, drawer set on wheels, microwave and pizza oven, etc etc. All those bottles of this and that for cleaning, bleach tablets, sponges, hand soap. The list goes on. Let us know what you don’t already have!
! is our chef leaving Melbourne 😿 (But also if it is for warm and fuzzy feelings, this is good)
I left Melbourne several Christmases ago (true story, the tickets to Perth were purchased initially to be just a holiday visit), but somehow I’m still here. Think of me as so far west, I’m past Werribee.
You’re just in a really outer western suburb… with a much better train system
Not going to lie, zooming in a train doing 100+ kph, while cars are doing 60 next to you is pretty fun. 😃
The best bit is the freeway at peak hour. Cars sitting in traffic watching a secession of trains flying past them doing 120 while they crawl to town.
We have a new train line opening next weekend. Will have to take the kids to Ellenbrook on the opening day.
Might be heading that way myself mid next year…
Wow! Can we get a Nath story time one of these days?
It isn’t an especially remarkable tale. I moved to Melbourne following a girl. After a few years, we got married and had a couple of kids. Fast forward to the oldest being 5.
Dad came to Melbourne to visit us, it turned out he wasn’t really cooking for himself since mum had died and wasn’t in a great place in general. We had enrolled the kid in school, but he hadn’t put down roots yet. And then my contract at work finished up. It was a rare moment where we had nothing in particular holding us where we were.
Melbourne was wonderful when it was just the two of us, but it was tough to be there with kids and no family support. Every time we visited Perth, we had grandparents and a couple of aunties to help look after the kids. We already had flights booked for Christmas, so we just cancelled the return flights. I lined up my next job in Perth and we’ve been here since.
Interesting, are you originally a perthie?
Dad is. He was stationed with the army in Queensland when he met mum. I was born up there; we moved to Perth when I was 12. When asked, I usually tell people I’m from Perth - it’s where I’ve lived the biggest percentage of my life. But no, I’m not originally from here.
Worry not. Beep Beep service will continue from another dimension.
but who will tell us sky pretty? You will be missed 🧡
You will have to tell me. I will miss you all too.
I’m very sad to hear you’re moving away, but wish you the absolute best with all the things in future
Thank you!!
Oh wow, you’re moving? Sorry, I probably missed an update while I was away. Where you headed?
Super kind of you, thanks so much for the offer! I’ll be right though. Funny story, I actually had an old ozito drill handed down to me from the old LT before he moved. That kid a few months ago stole that as well, but I couldn’t remember the model number. I went on the Bunnings website and more or less pointed at a drill set and was like “oh yeah that’s the one I had”. I barely know anything about drills, but I think this one was a bit better
To the Northern Hemisphere and see if I can pay Santa a visit! I had been quite unclear about it before. Great to know you have a nice drill!
😲😲 wow Bacon’s going global!
I’ve probably never met you, but I’m still gonna miss you!
Please bring me with you. I probably fit in a suitcase
Awww thank you!
We may not always follow the law but we do not condone nor participate in children trafficking.
If I can convince you to wait 103 days, it will just be regular trafficking. I think that’s better
Firstly, once again, congrats!!! Aaaaa! So exciting!! 🤩 I am super stoked for the freedoms and safety that are coming your way.
Secondly, echoing Duenan, if you’re comfortable sharing which general area you’ll be in I’m sure there’s several of us who’d be more than happy to chip in. Shit, I’d have kept aside a bunch more stuff for you when I was moving out. But completely understand if you’d rather keep it quiet
Thirdly - great time to be hitting the op shops, heaps of shit from people moving out at end of semester/landlords selling/etc. There will be mugs galore.
Fourthly… hadn’t realised how tricky it would be to set up utilities as an under-18! Not long until that all goes away though? and then you can sign up with whoever you want…
I’ll be in the mid/inner west, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’m sure I’ll be right. Worst case, I own a desk and a computer chair. I’m a bit bad about eating in front of the computer anyways 😂
Always open to op shop suggestions though!
x being difficult to do while under y age is basically the story of my life at this point lol. Yeah, there are exactly 3 months and 2 weeks until I can more or less do whatever., or 104 days for a good countdown
I’m down for helping South East Melbourne area if you want it. Got a van.
Thanks dumble, super appreciate it! I should be right for now
No worries dude, I had some rocky times around your age and got some help, happy to pay it on. If you run into problems, don’t be shy, a heap of people here want to help you if you need it.
If in the north, I have some extra bed linen in good/near new condition. You might as well have it if you want it. Also some extra cooking pots and utensils. Vinnies and similar is good for crockery and eating cutlery. Won’t ‘match’ but who gives a shit when cooking/eating for one only.
Also, if you need a cooking knife etc. I can let you have the picnic knife to tide you over until you can legally buy one to suit you. Or if you wish, I can buy one for you. Let me know by dm.EDIT: I also have a spare electric kettle in working order.
Thanks TW! Appreciate it :)
I’m golden on linen, as the linen here is not shared and I bought a few sets when I moved in. I do however need to buy another quilt cover, because for some reason they don’t always come in bedding sets (do most people just sleep on a sheet or something?), but they’re like $20 so I’ll be absolutely fine. Appreciate it again, though!
I think my case manager is organising to get me a knife set. The laws around minors and knives are weird and don’t make much sense to me, but from what I can gather, it’s illegal to be sold knives, but is absolutely not illegal to own knives, and also probably not illegal to “gift” knives to anybody of any age. Worst case, I’ll probably ask for permission to take the knife block we currently have here (provided with the house), and then they can replace it. They’re kinda shitty knives, but I was just going to arrange to get a set of the cheapo black handle Kmart knives (for now, once I turn 18, I’ll upgrade to whatever the next tier up is)
Also, mini story time, I bought a kettle and toaster from knart like 3 weeks ago, but CouriersPlease told me that (apparently), despite being 2pm on a Tuesday, there was not a single person in whatever Kmart store they were coming from, and the pickup needed to be rebooked. But Kmart didn’t. Until eventually on Monday they apparently did, and on Tuesday some bloke from CouriersPlease rocked up at the gate and literally punched the box with the kettle and toaster over my fence like it owed him money or something, where it stayed in the rain until I got back on Friday (because nobody thought to tell me!). Going to take them back for an exchange tomorrow
I’m happy to chip in on some art or nice sheets or something to make it feel homely, if you like - they’ve said they’ll pay for the essentials, but I reckon your first place that’s your own should be somewhere you enjoy being.
You’ve done well, Baku. From here, you’ll only get better.
Aw thanks Jonesy
The funding is a little more fluid than that, so depending on what I have left over I can probably get some stuff from ikea afterwards
(Coincidentally, I rearranged my bedroom here a couple of weeks ago for a bit of a mental reset, and found a rug I’m super fond of at IKEA. I was planning on buying it, but ended up not bothering when I found out I’d only be here for a month or two longer and wasn’t sure how the new house looked)
I will, however, accept decorating advice. I’ve got brick walls. I don’t like brick walls. A hodgepodge of plants and random photos/artwork is the current game plan to cover as much up as possible. But better suggestions more than welcome
Do you happen to know what area of Melbourne you’ll be moving to, like north or south?
Maybe some of us can help you with a few things.
Quite a few hoops you have to jump through there but you’ll get it done as you always do.
Same, I have kitchen ware, linens and blankets, etc
Maybe Baku can write out a list and we can see what we all have. 🙂
This is good idea. Sort of like a wedding list but a lot more practical.
Totally up for this.
Yeah, I’ll be moving into the inner/mid west area. I should be right though. Through 6 years of dealing with the system, I’ve managed to become somewhat adept at chasing them up. Spoiler: sometimes the only thing that works is sending an email every day until they do whatever they need to. I have a few people in my corner doing that for me at the moment, so it’s mostly just about oiling the wheels and stoking the coals every now and again
Oh, also, once I move, I can get a cat! I want to get one soon, but our pet laws are weird about ownership while under 18. I also want to rescue one from a shelter, rather than go through a breeder, and AFAICT, none of them would consider an application from me while I’m under 18, so I’ll probably need to wait
This is awesome!
Vinnies is a great call. Just grab the bare minimum for now like a mug, a set of cutlery, a plate and a bowl.
I haven’t seen tea towels or a can opener mentioned yet but they’re very handy to have
Edit: also a plunger
Thanks melbs!! I put together a spreadsheet and pretty much went ham through the Kmart “home & living” category, and did see a can opener (so it’s on my little list), and tea towels I decided I want to get from either an op or $2 shop, cause I don’t like how thin the Kmart cheapies are now
Plunger is a great idea, and something I forgot! Awesome suggestion! Thanks!
Suddenly question #3 on today’s quiz makes sense.
I really want to know how they got a battery to work
Enzymes/bacterial of some kind, probably?
Lots of helpful suggestions below, and I might also be able to help you out with some household items if you need.
Also, op shops have loads of cheap stuff for when you’re setting up a house, and you can always upgrade it later on.
Thanks spring, current game plan is cheap everything, and gradually upgrade to nicer models as time goes by
Oh to be a little spicy Pepper cat, on the top rung of a cat tree with one pink toebean. Life is tough.
My goodness the beans!
Ok that is adorable 😍
Toebean ♥️♥️
Went a little overboard with the tree this year myself.
What did my true love get me 4 the 20th day of Christmas?
And portable 👍
4 the 20th day of Xmas my true love gave to me
20 bongs a rippin’
19 joints a smokin’
18 blunts a tokin’…😆
Beer beer the liquid bread
The more you drink the more you’re effed!The beer somehow disappeared. I’m on the wine now🍷cheers
Here’s to 6 AM starts💃🪩🕺
Ah red wine! The jolly grape juice! 🤤
Huzzah! 🍻
WINNING!!! I ordered sinful greasy pizza for dinner as it was on special this weekend. Have some in spirit 🍕
Whoo! Love me some pizza!! Thank you!! 💜💜
The greasy sinful pizzas are the best!
Yaaaas 🍻 go spud! That is such a great feeling. Enjoy.
Woohoo! Yay you! 🍻
Whoo hoo!!!
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Had to sort of have ‘the talk’ with mum last night about hanging up the car keys. Had it before and we agreed only short trips (<2km) in daylight and less regular. Now after this it’s completely not safe for everyone. Feels bad, basically taking independence. She brought it up saying in a few days she’ll be able to get behind the wheel again so in that sense it wasn’t a sit her down and tell her something out of the blue thing.
I think one of harder things here is hearing her say ‘in a few days’ about a lot of things but the reality is things have changed permanently. In not saying anything when she says that I am giving false hope which I’m not sure is good or bad.
Ah that’s a tough talk mate. Hugs.
ha ha, was thinking the same thing about my mil#1, she’s 87 and convinced she can and should drive
i don’t really care if she bingles, etc, but i do worry she might hurt someone else
i might dob her in to the cops
false hope? I live on that shit. makes me able to get through each day
now i’m just waiting for fam to die so i can at least be left in peace and not worry about money
left in peace and not worry about money
lol. Ouch but fair enough.
i am so over it all
last night at dinner, I cooked a nice dinner for BIL. narcissist mil always has to give a reason why she can’t cook the fabulous dinners she used to cook, fabulous dinners that are much better than anything I do, while at the same time playing victim to get attention. She has done this routine for decades. She has never cooked in anyone’s memory.
MIL 😢"I can’t cook because I can’t chop vegetables anymore."
Seagoon in the deadest most emotionless voice she can muster. “buy frozen vegetables”
rest of table. Utter silence
Erk. Still, calling out self deception can be considered good work.
Then on leaving she had the cheek to expect to take home any left overs. I used to pack her loads of complete meals to take home in containers and a bag.
But she refused to give back my ikea containers and said the good quality grocery tote was perfect for her rubbish bag. Such disrespect.
She doesn’t get anything now.
Cheeeesus. I think I’d have slapped her.
It’s such a difficult situation to be in, and I really sympathise. It must be so hard for your mum dealing with these changes, and for you trying to help her.
Can you subtly suggest the how good Uber (or whatever car system that might work) is? No parking issues, cheaper overall costs, etc.
I remember how hard it was to get my mum to stop driving, and she wasn’t great at it even before age-related decline.
God, what an awful day.
My parents came to visit because it’s my mum’s birthday. We went to a local cafe and the food took ages.
Then, both myself and my girlfriend got sick, probably from what we ate at the cafe.
And then I rolled my ankle as they were leaving, the worst I ever have.
So then I was dealing with two kids, who are fortunately asleep now, and I had to hobble to the toilet whenever the urge took me.
oh gees, that’s just awful
hope gf is doting on you, getting you ice packs and anything else you need
Unfortunately she got sick too. The ankle is getting better and I don’t feel as sick now
Bloody hell that’s a tough break if I’ve ever seen one
Fingers crossed the kiddos stay asleep and you’ll feel better (on all counts) in the morning
Thanks, Baku. The kids didn’t stay asleep that much but I wasn’t going to have a great night anyway so it’s alright. At least I don’t feel as sick now
Well, been awhile since Llab was out till almost stumps.
Breeze was gorgeous in the wee hours of the morning in this fine city of ours. Feet are tired, but trekked the CBD without an issue, in fact everyone who was still out just seemed happy.
My ears are dead, but glad I went out.
Reminiscent vibes. Loving it.
Okay. Bed now. ✨
Late, but glad you were safe and had fun!
Minipeelers and I made the KitKat Christmas cottage
After the demolition lol
That looks decadent. I bet they loved it
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I’ve seen it at Coles/Woolies and I am more than 50% sure it was at Aldi, too.
It’s $25 though, which is scandalous for what is basically 10 KitKat bars stuck together with some chocolate and smarties.
True, but the Minipeelers opted out of advent calendars for it so I thought, 'tis the season. Also when it first came out it was like $30 or $40, so $20 didn’t seem so bad by comparison.
Colesworth has them, should be around $20-$25. They are a vast improvement on the shockingly hard and flavour less gingerbread house kits available this time of year, not to mention the unspeakably awful gummy brick house!
I spoke with my family tonight. I don’t speak with them often (enough). Not that I have a problem with my siblings, or my parents… I love them all.
Got to see the nieces and nephews, and they are all so cute and cool. My siblings seem like fantastic parents.
I wish I was good enough, you know? I’m just a self-isolating depressive I guess. I don’t want to bring them all down. Sorry, I guess I’m going to bring you all down instead…
I’m going to keep trying. I have to keep trying.
This place is for supporting each and loving each other
Just know that you are amazing, you are good enough, more than you think! 💜💜💜💜
We are here and we are listening 💜
It is much appreciated
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They are beautiful, I am quite lucky.
You are and were always good enough, even if sometimes you struggle to see it
It’s all good, just do the best you can in life
Youse have inspired me to put up a Christmas tree. Just can’t have it near a door or window is all.
I’ve never had one before. Fuck it. I’ll put one up this year. You’ve inspired me.
Ooo. I have an idea for you.
One guitar + tinsel = Christmas tree.
Instructions: wrap guitar with tinsel. Stand back and admire your work.
You know what. Fuck it why not! Less chance of the cat destroying it lol
It’s missing the goon bag.
If I’m a good girl Santa might bring me one.
I love it
The theme is 5 ingredients or less.
Love it!
This tree has a topper, shall it do?
I think you’ve got the cat of approval
Lol! I have the same bird toy for Mickey!
It wouldn’t last long up there in my house! Tweet tweet and smack it across the loungeroom!
You might be a twit bit psychic
It’s feeling like it might be a “pet the cat till i fall asleep” kinda nights.
After much procrastination and resentment I have done the dishes. I HATE DOING DISHES SO MUCH. Especially using gloves and not quite noticing a slight sheen of oil on spoon handles… ugh. Is this my life for the next 24 weeks?!
Seriously considering a second-hand tabletop dishwasher if I can chuck it in the “laundry cupboard” on top of the washing machine… there’s extra taps and an extra power outlet… anyone with experience of these?
I spent many of my younger years as a dishwasher in kitchens.
I feel your pain.
Dishes are my least fav chore. Rather scrub the loo.
Yep agree. The loo isn’t really that bad, assuming it’s just you using it (or at least people you can tell at and shame for leaving a mess). I’m also not fond of mopping though
The last few months the old LT was here we worked out an agreement where I would vacuum all the floors, and he would mop them all. That was amazing
buy disposable cutlery and dishes
if you are concerned for waste and the environment buy paper
and then remember you will be saving water by not washing , which is a good thing
Ooft, yeah, I feel you. This new place doesn’t have a dishwasher, and after having a dishwasher for the best part of 4 years, I really don’t want to go back. Strongly considering saving my bikkies and buying a benchtops dishwasher. If you have the financial situation, I say absolutely go for it. 24 weeks isn’t forever, but it’s also long enough that I personally would look at what options are available
Make sure you carefully check all the dimensions though. While I was away in June/July, our (full size) dishwasher was broken and replaced with one ever so slightly smaller, but also bulkier/with less internal space. We have 3 plates that do not fit in the dishwasher unless at the very edge. It drives me irrationally angry, and I’ve seriously considered taking the 3 plates into the shed and pretending it’s a rage room. I had somehow never even noticed they were bigger before
I reworked my synth setup last night, finally. I have everything plugged in and most things are working, I just need to figure out channels and clock on the Microfreak.
I have two arrangements that work independently, but I should be able to midi them across to share tempo and have them work together if I want to
ooh we need pics of that!
Is the microfreak worth it? Been looking at it as my first hardware synth.
There’s meant to be really good. I haven’t delved too deep because it uses that annoying trs midi and I only have a really short cable to connect it to other devices.
But it has a really good synth engine, and they added samples and granular synthesis in firmware updates. It might be worth hooking up to a midi keyboard as the touch capacitive one it has isn’t for everyone.
Otherwise, there’s always the minifreak if you’re willing to spend a bit more
Cheers man. The capacitive keyboard is a bit odd, but I reckon it’s seems priced decently for what it can do.
I’ll head down to mannys and see if they have one to demo.
What sort of music do you like making?
I’m tinkering with the electronic stuff at the moment. I want to sit down and maybe make an instrumental guitar ep, and I could use the synths for live backing and recording real instruments instead of everything being vsts
Man that would be amazing!
If you feel like sharing anything, would love to hear it!
Yeah I’ve been making middle east influenced industrial but it’s all vsts pretty much and sometimes
Now that I’m playing live again, I’m writing stuff focused on being able to perform by myself.
The idea of taking a laptop on stage doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever.
I cleaned up too well the other day and packed away something I needed.
Tore the place down last night to no luck so I’ve had to go back to buy it again.
Aw man, I hate that feeling. And then when you find the thing later you’re like, that’s money and time I could’ve saved. Hopefully it’s one of those things where having two of the item is not a waste. There’s some random shit I found while packing that I never used and that is coming on handy at my current place…
Unfortunately having a duplicate of it will be useless and I really think I’ve lost it.
Stranger things have happened.
I’m going to make myself a real coffee today with all the frothing to make myself feel better.
Good idea! And you know what, stuff does just go missing like that sometimes. What do. What do you use for frothing? I was given this battery powered mini frother years ago that I still haven’t even taken out of the packaging… dunno how good they are.
Yeah though I didn’t anticipate misplacing it so badly.
I just use a Kmart branded frother.
It does the job and does make a lot of froth that’s thick.
I usually turn it off midway through because it makes maybe too much froth and it’s very foamy thick.