The reason she started using any bloody products is because she is getting paid to and gets it for free! How can anyone believe this clown. She’s a disheveled mess 99% of the time. No one needs advice from her.
UGH and when she would (or still does) post pictures explaining how she purposely put food on the table to eat and/or for the cat to eat that was also on the table. Really?? I guess influencer management agencies don’t really care who they manage
The reason she started using any bloody products is because she is getting paid to and gets it for free! How can anyone believe this clown. She’s a disheveled mess 99% of the time. No one needs advice from her.
This! She literally claimed to never wash makeup off her face after wearing lol.
She doesn’t even look like she showers. How she doesn’t have toxoplasmosis yet after eating off her dirty cat shit filled table I will never know.
She disgusts me so much. Her eating off the table and her eating habits yuck.
UGH and when she would (or still does) post pictures explaining how she purposely put food on the table to eat and/or for the cat to eat that was also on the table. Really?? I guess influencer management agencies don’t really care who they manage
Her next grift or promotion is going to be for parasite medication for humans