Plus many more games work with minor tweaks or through emulators.

      3 months ago

      Same. I mean… a positive second chance for me, because 20 something years ago setting up Wine to run Quake 3 was an afternoon’s effort, and absolutely not worth it lmao. Nowadays I know that I can just try a game, see if it works. Doesn’t? Let’s try again. Still nothing? Proton GE. Nothing? Ok, doesn’t actually work, unless there’s a solution on ProtonDB. 50/50 it’s anticheat.

      Plus… it’s plain fun to get “unsupported” games and running them on the Steam Deck! Yeah, probably there’s a reason, but that time I played in VR using the Deck? Let’s call it perverse enjoyment.

          3 months ago

          Lower your expectations, like… drastically. First, this is what I used for my test (quite fun even if clunky, can recommend) and as you can tell, not exactly pushing any boundaries graphic wise. Then I installed SteamVR (obviously!) and to use my Quest 2. In ALVR I set the resolution to the minimum and 60 hz. Once everything was working, I went inside to SteamVR settings and… dragged the resolution to the minimum. Text was still legible in game, everything was very pixelated but usable, and the FPS kept around 60. Do note that it’s enough to give some people motion sickness, not me fortunately, but you really want to target 72 or more. In all of this the Deck was roaring with fury (docked) and as my amusement worn out, I just uninstalled SteamVR and Taskmaster because it’s really not worth it especially since on the other side of the desk I have a gaming computer.

          tl;dr works but just barely and expectations needs to be very low. Not worth it aside from curiosity.