Lol I guess then those who eat oreos without milk are pagans, heathens and heretics?
I have a suspicion that Catholics use wine.
I hate god and milk, checks out.
Can somebody give me the theological reasons for this? Also which one is the heretic?
If you want an actual answer, I can! Baptists believe that baptism must mimic the baptisms performed by John the Baptist, so they must be believers baptism (no infants) and, most importantly to the meme, full immersion. Presbyterians believe that infants can be baptized and raised in the faith and that any form of water getting on the baptized person (sprinkle, pour, or dunk) is acceptable.
The Baptist thinks the Presbyterian is a heretic, other Presbyterians think this Presbyterian is a heretic if they believe this is the only acceptable way of doing it.
The PC(USA) Book for Order W-3.0407 The Act of Baptism is where they wrote it down. Applied with the hand, by pouring, or through immersion.
Pretty much just get baptized once and you’re good.
Oh! That’s the others difference. Presbys only have one baptism. Baptists have no limit.