My laptop has a display resolution of 1366x768. Every now and then, I’ll encounter a window whose default height is over 768 and thus won’t fit entirely within my screen. The GTK file picker comes to mind, though it is resizable without much fuss. But then there are those that cannot be resized and being unable to move the titlebar further up, I am forced to use Alt+F7 to see what’s at the bottom.
I suspect that many programs today are designed to work comfortably on higher resolution displays, but not really tested on smaller ones. Understandably, developers only have so much time and 1366x768 is getting long in the tooth. Just wanted to put this out there since nobody seems to be talking about it.
Most of my laptops are 1366x768. In fact, in a recent KDE survey, the developers got extremely surprised about how prevalent low resolutions were (it was linked around a few months ago). All developers are out of touch a bit, however, let’s not forget that this issue wouldn’t exist if Linux users weren’t allergic to anonymous data-sending with statistics like these. Yes, no one likes privacy invasion and telemetry, but statistics like these are needed by developers.
BTW, on Gnome you can use the ALT button to move windows around when they don’t fit. Still annoying though. Mint has 2 such windows too (their login prefs, and their panel settings pref).
Edit: More info here
Honestly, I would have assumed 1080p was an acceptable default assumption.
Is this just a case of older hardware, or are there still laptops that don’t have 1080p panels at this point?
A quick review of stuff on BestBuy indicates that $150 laptops have 1080p displays now, and anything more than that does as well, so uh, what devices are still using these?
<1080p screens are still a thing in new laptops. took a quick look at my local electronics store and found some with 1600x900. but most are indeed at least fhd.
"Linux runs fine on old hardware Windows doesn’t support anymore/is too slow for.
Low resolution displays are prelavent.
Surprised pikachu face.
This issue doesn’t need statistics to be solved. Developers just need to “As low resolution as possible” in mind
Sorry if my english is bad
Developers will develop so it is right for the majority of their users and I guess they are aiming at 1080p which is mid-range at the moment. This is why hardware stats are important. If they’re anonymous then what’s the problem with them?
Your English is fine.
Fair enough although i still oppose it. We need a better way. My suggestion is developers should develop with “Think about 720p” or “Also think about 720p” principle.
I am happy hear it.
Loving tiling WMs for eliminating the dynamic size problem alltogether.
Think they should be standard, they solve the problems a lot of people solve with multi monitor without having to buy multiple monitors