I’m starting to think that my life is over and I don’t want to live anymore. As of writing this I am a 23 year old woman with no qualifications or education. I have learning disabilities and my IQ is just 76. I struggle with things like talking, maths and spelling and I can’t find a job.
When I was a kid I knew I was different. Things that were easy for the other kids to do took me ages to learn. Kids used to make fun of me because of the way I talked and in general I could fit in. As I got older my learning disabilities become more noticeable. I was diagnosed with ADHD and low intelligence and therefore struggled academically but my dad refused to put me in a special education program because he thought it would be an embarrassment. School was very hard for me. I would work my ass off just to get C’s and B’s and my father was very abusive. He would expect me to do well in school and if I didn’t he would beat and punish me. I had to repeat the 7th and 9th grade but I eventually graduated but very poor grades and no qualifications. When I was around 15-18 started to do drugs like weed and alcohol just to cope.
I left my parents house when I was 19 and went to live with a friend. I have very little money as I’m addicted to drugs and my lack of education makes getting a job practically impossible. I don’t see my life going anywhere and when I’m not on drugs I’m miserable. My brothers and sisters have done so much better then me and it makes me so jealous, angry and ashamed. I know this may sound cringe but I honestly can’t do this anymore.
EDIT: I now have a job at Burger King as a cook. It’s not glamorous but it’s some money.
You vastly overestimate the competence of the workforce in general. If you show up on time, work hard, and work to improve over time (don’t expect to be perfect! Just learn from mistakes!) you will be a coveted employee.
Hopefully this leads to improved feelings of self worth.
Reminds me of the YouTuber Mat Armstrong w/motto “Hard work beats talent.”
As others have said, pick a trade. Make bank. Get some friends who value you for you. F everyone else. Not literally lol
It’s been two weeks- Just checking in.
Thanks, I got a job and am now dating a guy
Hi. I hope my own experience can help you. I have a whole bunch of learning disabilities and very bad anxiety/panic issues. I graduated high school with a 5th grade reading level; and frankly I was pissed. No one should have fallen between the cracks as much as I did.
I got stubborn and angry and I did something about it. I refused to let life just push me down and accept it. It’s a bumpy, rocky, uphill climb. But you can do it.
IQ doesn’t mean crap. I encourage you to go out there. Walk outside. And be pissed off at everyone who told you that you were not good enough. Now imagine proving them wrong. Let that guide you a bit.
Feel free to PM me if you want to talk. I’ve been in your shoes. It does 100% get better.
Why does everyone think IQ doesn’t mean anything? It does and you’re insane for thinking it doesn’t. My whole life I have been held back by IQ so it’s very annoying to see people dismiss it.
This doesn’t look like it was written by someone that isn’t intelligent.
You’re probably self medicating yourself through ADHD and/or anxiety and it’s also not helping with the anxiety and/or depression you might be experiencing.
20s is prime “what do I do with my life” for most - and it doesn’t always go away as you age.
I’m gonna be the cynic and say it - I think what we have here is a scammer hoping people will reach out with donations.
The account didn’t exist before this post was made. OP has a 76 IQ but uses perfect sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs and five-syllable words like qualification. My spidey sense is tingling.
I support you on the cynic side. But in case this post is authentic, I hope OP struggles through all difficulties in her life with modern technology like spell-checkers.
Good luck, OP.
There is plenty of hope, you just got mixed up with the wrong people under the wrong circumstances. The right society will only judge you for your character.
There is very much hope for you. I used to be addicted to drugs/opiates for 15 years, I’m sober almost 3 years now.
You’ve got challenges, and you can overcome these things, but you have to try to get clean, no matter what. You have to be clean to do the things you need to do.
Ever try being clever? Pay attention to things, and try to predict possible future outcomes. Be observant, and try to be aware of all your immediate surroundings.