It said the Israeli leader was covered by immunity rules that apply to states which are not a party to the ICC. Israel is not an ICC member.
“A state cannot be held to act in a way that is incompatible with its obligations in terms of international law with regards to immunities granted to states which are not party to the ICC,” the French statement said.
While this technicality may be true, it still seems like there should be a mechanism to hold people accountable for genocide that they don’t have to agree to beforehand. Saying “oh we can’t arrest him for crimes against humanity because he didn’t already agree to be arrested for them should he ever commit them” is a diplomatic copout and a moral failure of the international framework.
Oh wow, I can be immune to law if I just don’t accept the court’s rule of law?
France really going hard with the sovcit arguments.
It isnt even technically true. The ICC has already clarified that this does not refer to the arrests of individual heads of states, but rather seizing states assets and the like.
Doesn’t that let off every two bit dictator for the last 70 years
I’m sure this defense was used at Nuremberg after the second world war - unsuccessfully.
I think when it comes to moves as flagrantly anti humanitarian as this it’s important to name names instead of letting the particular spineless cowards hide behind the name of their country.
Is putin immune too?
Of course he is. We are being governed by clowns.
“A state cannot be held to act in a way that is incompatible with its obligations in terms of international law with regards to immunities granted to states which are not party to the ICC,” the French statement said.
Anyone want to take a guess what percentage of ICC warrants are issued for people from countries like that? I suppose, this being France, that they actually will protect some random African warlord as well.
It’s almost as if international law doesn’t really exist. There is no enforcement mechanism.
The ICC is an inept antisemitic organization with clear goals towards harming the only liberal democratic nation in the Middle East.
Liberte, egalite, fraternite
What the fuck is antisemitic about arresting a genocidal maniac? “Liberal Democractic Nation” is not how I would describe that settler colonial fascist state. A bunch of fucking smug, self-righteous, land thieves is a more appropriate description. Besides, the term “Semitic” to describe Jews in Israel is inappropriate. Most of them are of European or American origin. Semitic people or Semites is a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. Judaism is not a race, it’s a religion (i.e. a cult, or more appropriately a “death cult”).
The first genocide I’ve seen with a population increase.
Meanwhile people are actually suffering in Tigray, Kurdistan, etc.
You are choosing to be a useful idiot online in favor of islamism. Make better choices next time.
The first genocide I’ve seen with a population increase.
Murder a million, two millions born = population increase.
You are an idiot.
And a nazi
How is 45000 dead an in increase in population? Where do you get your information from? Seriously, what are you high on right now, nothing you say makes any sense. You sound like Alex Jones.
According to this site there has been an increase although I’m not sure how they get their figures in a war zone that nobody is allowed in or out of (other than the IDF stormtroopers that is):
That said, populations do generally increase wherever there’s starvation and hardship. It’s a human instinct to survive by producing more offspring.
The figures of those murdered by Israel is probably closer to 200,000 but we won’t know until the dust settles and Netanyahu is rightfully hanging by the neck for warcrimes.
This is likely a projection that doesn’t take into account the past year.