Context is Superman (1939) #204, page 22
Superman-T, what are you up to with that idol?
That’s my affair, Superman-X… Don’t try to interfere!
Context is Superman (1939) #204, page 22
Superman-T, what are you up to with that idol?
That’s my affair, Superman-X… Don’t try to interfere!
As a gay man, I’ve thought about it on more than occasion. But would straight folk? If you’re straight, what’s the reasoning being clone/AU you fuckage? Is it gay?
Great q. I think if someone’s even the tiniest bit bicurious it’s it’s conceptually the safest possible way to experiment. I imagine. Definitely gay though yeah. And somewhat incestuous.
What better way to find out how you like certain things best, so that you can then teach future partners, no matter the gender? :p
I’m straight and I wouldn’t. Man bodies do nothing for me even my own.
I don’t think it would be any more gay than masturbation, but I also don’t think it matters.