For reference:
According to the DSM-5, the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria include a marked incongruence between one’s experienced or expressed gender and their assigned sex, lasting for at least six months, manifested by at least two of the following: a strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and secondary sex characteristics, a strong desire for the primary and secondary sex characteristics of the other gender, a strong desire to be of the other gender, a strong desire to be treated as the other gender, and a strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender. Key points about gender dysphoria diagnosis: Significant incongruence: There must be a noticeable difference between the individual’s experienced gender and their assigned sex. Duration: Symptoms must be present for at least six months. Multiple criteria needed: A diagnosis requires experiencing at least two of the listed criteria. Distress or impairment: The incongruence must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning.
Ahh fuck. Turns out I have gender dysphoria by this definition.
I’ve spent a bit thinking I don’t have it because I don’t have one of these. And now I’m told I only need 2? I got way more than 2.
This website also lists some different kinds of dysphoria that you can have: You don’t need to fit the ‘perfect’ stereotypical trans picture to be trans.
Well, what are you waiting for? I wouldn’t hold out hope that things will change!
My main reason for holding out is a younger sibling who is in their final years of high school, thus a minor, and parents who are qanon level crazy. Don’t want to do something that would endanger their chances of going to college or make their life a living hell until they graduate high school.
There’s a high chance my parents will think college brainwashed me, not let my younger sibling go to college, leave this “corrupted country full of alphabet mobs” with my younger sibling, etc.
My parents are not originally from the US and have been talking about leaving the US once my sibling graduates college because of the woke virus, so the last option is quite likely.
So I’m not gonna come out publicly/to my parents until until my sibling is in college and out of my parents’ house. I’d rather continue a depressed shut in life for a year or two than ruin my sibling’s whole life.
That makes sense. However, there are still things you can probably do depending on how financially independent you are. Even working towards independence in housing and health insurance would be a big move. If you live away from your parents, you can wear and act how you like when not at their house. If you have your own insurance, you can get HRT without them knowing. You can prepare for and start your transition in lead-up to your sibling becoming an adult.
Transitioning is a lot of work, but it’s very satisfying and motivating. I wouldn’t start HRT till your sibling’s last semester, as it will probably become harder to hide over time. Planned Parenthood is very affordable, so long as you have insurance for once you get the medication. You should also look to live in a heavily democratic state, as there’ll be more support in those places, even if care becomes illegal.
Yeah, I am financially independent, moved out to my own apartment in a different city and just got on my own healthcare. I’m thinking about moving to a blue state during last sem just before I begin transitioning. But I’m not sure how the therapist requirements for HRT work. I heard something about needing to talk to a therapist about it for 6 months before starting? Should I move and start talking to a therapist in the destination state 6 months before I want to start HRT or can I talk to a therapist in the source state for 6 months and then move and I would be able to start HRT immediately even though the therapist is elsewhere?
Reasons for waiting to move is to save up more money before moving so I can better afford medical treatments, potentially getting fired/laid off, and chip in to my sibling’s living/college expenses if necessary.
Under current rules, you don’t need a referral because we have informed consent. So long as you pass a medical check, you can accept responsibility for the effects and start HRT, with no psychological gatekeeping or dysphoria diagnosis. Like I said, places like Planned Parenthood can get you a prescription for a few hundred dollars out of pocket, which is less expensive than jumping through insurance hoops in the long run (I say from firsthand experience)
A ton of progress has been made in the American psychology community, especially compared to places like the UK. Gender affirmation is fairly accepted as the only evidence based method to handle trans patients, at least by academic consensus. Even the trans medicalists here have a hard time denying that we exist and are best helped by affirmation. The data doesn’t support any other treatment being anywhere near as effective. It’s probably one of THE MOST effective treatments for any psychological issue.
The biggest issue is that the new fascist government will illegally force the psychology community’s hand without approval from congress. There will be fierce resistance in academia, but the government will use economic coercion and override the science in the law. However, this will take time, and you will be safest in blue states. Medical science is in grave danger for trans people, women, and anyone who doesn’t fit their mold.
I honestly can’t predict all the challenges we’ll face, but the economy will also tank, so prepare to work outside official channels to get basic things done.
yeah, I am planning to offline archive diy hrt info once Thanksgiving is over just in case.
More importantly, it gatekeeps gender affirming care to people that are fucked up enough by it. Some of us are significantly hindered by it, but many others can still work and function in life without transitioning.
My dysphoria is bad enough to make life as a man impossible, but I didn’t even know that was the case until I came out. I also don’t think it’s fair to gatekeep care from people who can function without transitioning. Being a good worker bee shouldn’t be the goal; that bar is too low.
They were able to diagnose me with gender dysphoria but they wouldn’t give me treatment officially unless I pretended to be a woman for them, they probably really thought it would be funny for someone who looks just like a man to wear a dress and lipstick with face stubble. Right? So funny? Fuckin chasers. (Yes I’m calling my old doctor and my therapist chasers because they wanted me to dress like a woman without looking like one, they were so pissed when they saw me again post-DIY HRT)
They fucked around (denied care that they literally defined as necessary) and found out 🙄
When I questioned them about the requirement they said they needed to make sure I wouldn’t regret it. Asshole literally laughed when I looked him in the eye! He was lying to me about that reason, the real reason was perfectly clear to me.
Fucking chaser
Fuck transmedicalists, those fuckers wanted me to pretend to be a woman because it’s really funny to see a man desperately pretending to be a woman or they wouldn’t let me have HRT legitimately. Thankfully I was able to buy Estrogen and blockers on the black market so who’s laughing now?
hey! I recognize you! lemmy really is small
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Arent you basically admitting “genderfluid” folks and those with sex dysohoria (for lack of better term) are not the same thing? Because if thats the case, why do you need to claim our community and iconography?
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For some reason I assumed you were one of the genderfluid types, and was confused why you were so eager to claim a difference. Im one of those with said horrific medical condition. When I referred to iconography and community; I meant the trans community, flag, ect.
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Thank you, needed that :3
In the US, things have improved a lot and there are informed consent clinics where you can go to a clinic and sign a document saying you know what you’re doing and get a prescription for estradiol (not sure about T). Obviously things are very dicey politically, and some doctors are still shitty, but generally the medical/scientific consensus is on our side, and recognizes that it’s better for people to get meds through a legitimate doctor/pharmacy as opposed to more sketchy online stuff.
I only say this because I hesitated to look into it because I’d heard horror storirs about medical gatekeeping, but when I actually looked into it it was much easier than expected.
username checks out
That is THE best Monster flavour and I will slap-fight anyone who disses it!
It is very nice, but also… Mango Loco.
Mango loco #1, whatever the white sugar free can is #2. Because sometimes I don’t want to speed run diabetes.
I used to regularly buy a case of the white can to bring into work for myself and my colleagues to share. We burned through them.
Have you tried the sugarfree watermelon variety? Had a solid week of drinking that exclusively after first trying it.
The sugar free ones kinda get old fast for me, I really used to like the green ones (paradise I think) but now I can’t stand them.
Similar things happened with most of the other sugar free flavors.
In the end I decided that I should really just not drink them at all and now they’re a nice treat once in a while when I need a bit of energy and something very sweet.
Honestly, I prefer sugar to date, even though I know it isn’t good for most parts of me. Dunno, those artificial sweeteners are just… they always feel like I’m drinking sweetened aspirin.
That’s why I value anything sugar-free which can hold my attention. I know I should prioritise discipline, but given how things are going nowadays… Well, let’s say a bit of hedonism has become a must for me in maintaining a semblance of psychological stability…
My brain works in fantastic ways so I have absolutely no idea. I don’t think I have, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t. I’ll see if my store even has any tomorrow.
Can relate, though my memory seems to be functional when related to taste.
Thoroughly recommend a taste if you manage to find some, it felt simultaneously fresh and nostalgic (used to have a lot of processed fruit juice/soda variety when growing up).
Ugh, Ultra tastes like metallic Lilt, utterly vile (to me).
Mango Loco’s good, but it kinda’… loses its novelty after the first half of the second can… Honestly prefer the peach one (forgot the name) over Mango Loco:-?
Peach and nectarine is Monarch?
Yes, that one! Thank you! Really nice, especially love to drink a can before starting my evening relaxation period, ironically. Peach is just such a calming flavour in general, I find.
I think the peach one is the Nitro version? That is also yummy, though less so to me.
Edit: Just replied from my replies pane, forgot Monarch, that is yummy, but I can taste the sweeteners in it just about.
Personally I miss old Ripper, I swear they changed it (probably sweeteners) from what used to fuel me at Uni in the 2000s.
Oh, definitely not perfect, genuine peach and nectarine juice is lightyears ahead, still! But close enough, y’know?
Yet another variety I never knew existed! See, this is why I hate the internet, it always reveals more and more regrets…
Gender fluid or Blinker fluid though…
Go easy on me, I am an old and out of most loops:(
Sounds like someone who hasn’t had the discontinued pink lemonade.
I have not, indeed :-< Came in late on the Monster crave, been a Coke addict most of my life.
Hol up, the bad for you teeth or the bad for your nose kind?
The teeth kind, I’m not rich enough for a nose kind habit=))
original zero sugar is better with red bull being better than that energy drinks shouldn’t taste like tropical juice they should taste like an energy drink “energy drink flavour” is delicious and they need to stop trying to hide it with sugar and fruit
idk rehab and mule are much better…
I have tried neither, but I will give them a shot if I manage to find some!
Then I will promptly return here and present a backhand because you are objectively WRONG. The Punch is supreme!
(kidding, genuinely thanks for the recs, anything to detach myself from Coke…)
Get the yellow Rehab. Black tea and lemonade. The Peach is pretty good, too.
Thank you, will prioritise that one! Damn, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe I need to start watching some commercials, I’m so out of touch, it’s ridiculous…
I think that sentiments like this are really dependent on the context that the diagnosis is made within. E.g. in countries with free healthcare, gatekeeping on some level is a necessary evil, not just in trans healthcare, but in general, to allocate funding. For example, I can’t get braces for free despite my crooked teeth, because they’re not fucked up enough to warrant it, so I’d have to pay out of pocket. I don’t think it’s that crazy that someone’s HRT wouldn’t be covered by the state if they’re likely to want to change to the opposite hormone profile just 3 months later.
Or am I just completely misunderstanding what this meme is talking about? Obviously, in a private healthcare setting, the only requirement is informed consent.
Well this is about the clinical definition of gender dysphoria, which isn’t a term used in treatment contexts outside the US (i.e., places with free healthcare). Most other countries, in clinical contexts at least, use the ICD11, which uses the term gender incongruence and is actually less strict
“Turbulent” is a great word.
I sent this in a discord that has a lot of trans people in it and I totally called someone (probs should keep anonymous) out lmao
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