It makes them uncomfortable to talk about it. Or acknowledge it’s lingering effects. It’s much more uncomfortable for the people suffering the lingering effects. But that’s not what’s important./s
Didn’t you hear? The past was always better, and Now is always the low ebb in the decline of our civilization until we return to the values that made yesterday great.
If the past is somehow to blame for the problems of today, that might mean there was something wrong with the past. If that’s the case, then maybe other things from the past have problems, including things that I like or benefit me personally, or that changing would imply a lot of big scary changes that I’m not ready for.
That’s why attempts to talk about little mistakes from the past like chattel slavery, indigenous genocide, phillipino genocide or endemic discrimination and institutionalized racism are just attempts by bad people to tear down perfection and keep us from returning to a simpler, better time where those mistakes never happened.
It doesn’t make them uncomfortable. They just don’t want people to know that they’re still doing it.
Well that is why it makes them uncomfortable. People knowing what they’re doing:-)
They barely teach about it as it is. My daughter’s social studies textbook had page after page about Marbury v. Madison and two paragraphs about Harriet Tumbman.
Harriet Tubman was a great hero, but she did not shape society. Marbury v. Madison established judicial review, which allows the SC to strike down laws as unconstitutional. That’s massive. Brown v. Board of Education or Roe v. Wade rely on that.
Judicial review has been adopted by republics around the world (though not all). Writing as a European, I believe it’s a greatly underappreciated US contribution to global culture and the cause of democracy and human rights.
This doesn’t have to be controversial, just read the confederate state’s declarations of succession. The cause of the civil war isn’t open for interpretation. The people who succeeded litterally wrote down and formally publicized their reasons.
none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization
Don’t forget the part where if you joined the Confederacy you signed:
"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in Negro slaves shall be passed.”
and a blow at slavery is a blow at civilization
Oh fuck if I had three wishes one of them would be to get a hatchet and get into a ring with whatever fucktard wrote that.
Why a hatchet? Why not them just hogtied and you with a loaded 12ga shotgun? Pump-action and with magnum slugs!
I like to get in there.
A firearm is so… impersonal.
edit tldr haptic feedback
Ok so him tied up and you have the hatchet. Why give rhe fuck would you give them a chance? They wouldn’t give you one.
“Tied up”? Where’s the fun in that?
I want to see the look in their face when they realise they’ve given it their all and still have not a chance in hell. I fucking love seeing the desperation in the eyes of racists and fascists everywhere when they realise they don’t have any more fallbacks and have to rely on their own person, which is always inadequate.
This is what it would be to you, but for me it is about tit for tat. They want the whole world hostage to them, and I want them to taste the helplessness of the hell they wrought on so many people. Also I refuse to take any chances. They need to rendered 100% helpless. Even like what Baron Harkonnen did to Duke Leto in the 2021 Dune film when he didn’t just have him drugged and tied up, but completely naked as well… except I will make sure they have no hidden weapons like the poison gas tooth…
I take your point, but I’d just be so annoyed at listening to them go on about how “if I weren’t tied up”.
Like how conservatives are always like “if only we were in power, there’d be perfect government”, but then the only thing they manage is a kakistocracy like Trump.
So I hate to hear the baseless boasting. But I very much take your point.
Basically the answer would be to have them actually have empathy. But how do we… make someone have empathy? If that were possible there wouldn’t really be any issues in the world, right?
Well such things exist and they’re extremely banned wordlwide.
Well at least the US will be like the rest of the civilized world. UK public school history:
- Battle of Hastings
- Henry VIII
- (Cromwell is briefly mentioned in passing)
- (Noticeably large gap)
- WWI + WWII (Churchill is briefly touched on)
- (Noticeably large gap)
- Cold War
No skeletons in our closet, we’re a civil people!
Try out the new America!!! Same shit taste, but now with even more racism!!!
It was always about bringing slavery back.
Ever since we shed blood to end it, they’ve been trying to bring it back.
Slavery never ended.
Ever see those stupid laws like “don’t ride a horse on a Sunday?” Or look at when “vagrancy” laws were passed, or differences in sentencing between crack and coke.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Look at prison rates and racial backgrounds in the south. Look at how felonies are used to disenfranchise. Look at the war on drugs.
Why? The repugs have been nothing but a constant clown show for the last 20 years. Its only going to get more ludicrously insane now that there are more of them on the rolls
I can’t believe the US is about to let illiberal “Christo” tyrants win without a fight. Should do as Jon Stewart said, play on their level and just don’t confirm the votes.
Trump doesn’t qualify for president, per the 14th amendment. I’m kind of pissed that the fucking constitution is being treated as novel law and not the foundation for our laws.
Can’t have those uppity workers understanding what you’re trying to inflict upon them…
Yeah, but have you considered that both sides bad?
Sure. But one side is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the other
One side is open about their racism and sexism, the other side hides it. Which is worse to you?
Damn, they are so good hiding that they actually enqct policies to counteract their own racism and sexism.
Clearly they must be worse, because they want to take abortion rights away by granting them to women.
you can’t?
Not in the way the repugs want it. Slavery will never be seen as beneficial to anyone despite how hard the repugs push that narrative
What are you talking about? The world sees the USA’s exploitation of slaves as being HUGELY beneficial to their development. That’s not anyone’s problem with it?
OK anyone that matters. Want to believe slavery is a good thing at alll? You don’t matter
You’re missing the point. Some modern Americans continue to benefit from historical slavery. Saying, “No one benefits from slavery,” is an attempt to deny that and avoid the moral responsibility that comes with those benefits.
The point is you are justifying slavery. You can scream its “virtues” all you want. Until that mindset disappears, and even if it disappears, I’m not changing my stance on it.
I’m not. I condemn slavery. Like holy shit, can you not assume that much?
The problem with slavery isn’t that slavers don’t benefit! How can you sit there and say that slavers don’t benefit from the transaction? Why, then, would they do it?? Just to be dicks??
You’re taking an ideological stance that you don’t fully understand and not considering what you are actually saying. The fact that people benefit from it doesn’t JUSTIFY it. Nothing can justify treating an intelligent creature as property. But that doesn’t mean someone didn’t make bank from it. That doesn’t mean that people alive today are not still benefiting from the tragedies of the past.
1 out of every 5 Black voters voted for Trump.
So 4 out of every 5 black voters voted against Trump.