A group having rights does not take rights away from you. It’s not pie.
May I introduce you to Christians? Or how about the GOP? MAGA would like to also have a word. I could go on…
Why keep focusing on a single group?
Not a meme
And this belongs here why?
This is one of the things that bother me with people being anti-trans. Why the hell do they care? There is nothing, NOTHING that trans people are asking for that bother me, because it does not affect my life. I don’t see how it affects theirs either.
There are two things I know little about when it comes to trans.
How to make it fair in sports, but I really don’t care for sports. So I haven’t researched it. Don’t really care if they participate, but I don’t take sports seriously anyways.
How to protect vulnerable people from themselves. This is probably contraversial, but I am for giving trans people the treatment they need to transition, or at least make sure it is possible at a later stage by giving hormones / blockers. So that they can transition a bit older.
However (the controversial part) many trans people are vulnerable and also struggle with other issues and operations is often permanent. This is something that I don’t believe is easy to decide, I am ignorant here, I trust medical professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists and the trans community to come up with guidelines / practice here. It is however not something that I think politicians should decide, or is competent in deciding.
The only reason I care about point 2 is to protect people from mistakes, not to stop trans people from transitioning!
Thanks for reading my rant 😊
How to make it fair in sports, but I really don’t care for sports. So I haven’t researched it. Don’t really care if they participate, but I don’t take sports seriously anyways.
I personally don’t think sports should be gendered, but people should be placed in different “leagues”.
Similar to how chess players with similar ratings play with each other.
Atheletes should be categorized by skill, regardless of gender.
Atheletes should be categorized by skill, regardless of gender.
Radical feminists don’t want that kind of equality, and it could get the ball rolling for equivalent pay for male models / adult film actors. I lack any strong opinion on the subject but have no interest personally in watching men’s beach volleyball. -When you disregard the draw of the event when it comes to pay; you’re messing with the financials surrounding the event. -May as well go full bore communism then. Let people be forced to work and starve so they can learn that capitalism and the traditional ways (outside of religious influence) weren’t so bad.
Yeah, I’ll be honest and say that I do not understand what it means to be transgender. And I will never understand. It doesn’t matter how many trans friends I have or how many times people try to explain it to me. I won’t ever fully get it.
But why in the ever living fuck should it matter whether or not I get it? Just let people live how they want to live!! I don’t understand why it’s so complicated for Christian fundies to understand that. How in the world are trans people harming anyone by existing? You don’t have to “get it” to understand that people just want to live their fucking lives in peace.
One of the biggest things people bring up is the sports issue, like you said. To people’s credit, I actually don’t think there’s a great solution to the sports problem. But pro athlete trans people make up only a tiny fraction of trans people so I don’t understand why it should randomly be used to invalidate all trans people.
Just let people live how they want to live!! I don’t understand why it’s so complicated for Christian fundies to understand that.
What makes you think Christian fundies have ever been about “Just let people live how they want to live!!” which appears to be a 1970’s hippie inspired slogan?
Almost the complete opposite of what Christians and Jews and especially Muslims are about.
Well I know they aren’t. I just don’t understand why they aren’t.
because muslims have a book with instructions from a being that lives in outer space that tells them that sexual deviancy is morally reprehensible and shouldn’t be encouraged or allowe
well, if trans people didn’t exist, I wouldn’t have been called a crybaby bitch, which is something negative
I’ve never seen anybody IRL complaining about trans people. I think the whole thing is a media-powered storm in a teacup.
Do you live in a cave?
This meme is great because the end part of the slogan is so versatile
Happy cake day you crybaby bitch!
Aw thanks cunt
😄 Australian?
Whenever someone ends their sentence with “, cunt!” I always read it in an Australian accent, and I may or may not add a “ya” before the “cunt”.
Thanks to Monty Python, I half expect to hear any Aussie I meet ask “are you a poofter?”
Put it on your car and take another picture to show that you did. Being an ally for internet clout isn’t enough. Sorry for posting a bunch on a single thread, I guess I kinda care a lot about this.
It does something negative to my life- namely it makes me very scared for their safety. Especially in the U.S.
But that is not their fault. It’s the fault of the bigots who hate them for existing.
I don’t think ‘existing’ is the cause of problems we’re running into.
Like simply being a crybaby bitch isn’t really causing any problem. Their brain - their choice.
It’s actions that are at issue.
Sure. Doesn’t mean I have to fly your flag. I don’t ask you to fly mine. Can we both respect that?
“I know this post is specifically about how trans people existence has ZERO impact on my life…so how can I still make it about myself? In a way that makes ME be the victim too?”
That’s what you wrote. Almost a skill how the whole point flew over your head
Nobody is asking you to fly someone’s flag. Trans people just want the freedom of not being refused jobs and generally not be verbally assaulted and then denied at any institution they visit. These people can barely live, because assholes in power actively go out of their way to fuck them over.
Oh what’s that? You look, sound and act like a man, but upon closer inspection your ID says F? Guess you’re just not a good fit for this society, sorry, better luck next time!
I’m sick of people making this about some culture war. It’s about freedom of expression. A core principle of the constitution and the human rights charter! A violation of such core principles, will eventually came to bite you too, once trans people, but also immigrants and other minorities are gone and the rich need a new scapegoat. Next will come thought crime, once we all look the same, like in the old days.
I don’t ask you to fly mine. Can we both respect that?
I don’t see where anyone asked you to fly theirs, either?
Go check out what happened to the warmington mayor when he refused. His town doesn’t even have a flag pole!