I’m relatively new to the linux space, I was introduced by the steam deck which uses kde, and it’s pretty similar to windows in terms of how it works so that’s the DE i’d be leaning towards when I eventually switch. I’ve never used gnome so i’m not sure if it’d be worth using I guess?

So I’m just looking for some input from the community, do you use Gnome or Plasma, why do you use it, and what’s kind of like a pros and cons kinda thing between the two?

  • mlg@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    KDE for best fully integrated, out of box, modern DE.

    XFCE + Compiz if you’re running on lower end hardware (uses less ram and utilizes gpu better). Also if you want even more customization than KDE with the drawback of limited SVG support (and still on X11 if that matters for you)

    GNOME if you hate yourself and want to use a knockoff of ChromeOS or Mac.

    Cinnamon and MATE if you want to see when GNOME used to be good.

    LXQt is the XFCE equivalent of KDE, but is now on wayland with GPU accel, so it can fit the same area as XFCE+Compiz.

    Wayfire (compositor) basically Compiz for Wayland if you want all the fancy effects on anything that uses wayland.