We’ll need to wait for the release. Before launch cyberpunk was also getting good reviews ;)
Honestly this is what pissed me off about the reaction to cyberpunk bugs. I remember how the fallout games were at launch. And I think even now trying to play new Vegas on Xbox (360 I think?) Has an issue if your save file gets too big where the save will corrupt.
CDPR definitely over promised. But every business does. They probably should’ve not released on last gen consoles at all, but that is tricky as fuck. I mean when they started to dev cp2077, I doubt Sony and MS even had dev units for next gen. Probably should’ve delayed last gen release only, made a transparent explanation and apology, and did what they ended up doing after release. But I had a low mid tier PC that played it at a solid 60 fps without major issue at launch. And it was exactly what I had hoped.
I’ll probably also really like starfield, warts and all, when it drops. These are just my type of game.
People defending CDPR when they completely lied about the product aha, consumers be crazy these days.
To be honest, half the stuff people claim they lied about was always entirely speculation hype that never had any backing.
Otherwise, for some people the game worked just fine. For others the game was nearly or entirely unplayable, and everything in between. Cdpr certainly lied and should have delayed their game’s release, probably upwards of a couple years, but the situation is rarely portrayed accurately.
I guess we just imagined their trailers and dev interviews then aha
I’m not saying they didn’t lie, there are many of features which were at best skeletons of the features that were expected. But I’m just saying a lot of the hype around the game was so out of control you had people on the sub reddit talking about how cool the car customization will be, or how they can’t wait to play, what would’ve amounted to essentially, gtav but with arasaka. Talking any l about features which actively were never even slightly implied to exist.
People get way too excited for any game, should always expect a pile of shit these days and just be pleasantly surprised instead. People are die hard fans of games like CP2077 before they even release, it’s not good.
But expectations don’t come from nowhere, a lot of the city stuff they were selling was like GTA, but the AI didn’t even release at a 2004 San Andreas level, it’s still not as good as GTA AI and that’s just people walking/driving around convincingly. GTA V itself was 7 years old when CP2077 released, it’s not surprising people were expecting a simulation of the world to be at least as good as that. I think their scope was too big, there was probs a lot of mismanagement behind the scenes. I don’t know how they spent 8 years on it and it still turned out like it did, I guess we will never know what happened. The story is the only saving grace, they should have just delayed it and tried to make it a more linear story game and just abandon any RPG-esque/open world elements that were left.
Being critical of games is good, especially ones that completely shit the bed, defending it just leads to more of that in the future. I love BG3 for example, but it has it’s fair share of issues that I can point out every time I play it. Why would I not want better products? Why settle for less? There’s too much submissive consumerism these days.
Honestly this is what pissed me off about the reaction to cyberpunk bugs. I remember how the fallout games were at launch
I bought the fallout games at launch. I bought Cyberpunk months after launch when I found it on clearance. Cyberpunk was still far less playable for me than the fallout games were at launch.
This was due to:
- The game crashing at least once per hour
- Falling through the ground at least one per hour
- Dying suddenly though nothing was attacking me at least once per hour
- Questlines breaking and being un-repairable
Additionally, CP2077 had all the same bugs in Fallout/Elder Scrolls releases.
I usually power through buggy RPG releases, but I waited to give CP a couple more patches before actually trying to play through it.
That’s a pretty low bar to cross.
You know, I don’t remember Morrowind actually being that bad, but I played on the GotY version so maybe they actually fixed their shit in those days.
The GotY version of Morrowind feels less buggy than the original release. For example, some older PC versions frequently crashed because of some pointer error in the UI. The game detected this and created crash-recovery savegames like what MS Office does for your documents.
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It only has 69,419 bugs this time instead of the usual 69,420+.
Even if it is true, the bar is embedded somewhere on Earth’s inner core.
I still couldn’t limbo under the bar that sets. The bugs in Bethesda games are usually not game-breaking (in my experience), but they are legion.
To be fair, Bethesda games are a fucking train wreck at launch so this is like an article saying this is the dryest water they’ve ever made.
Which means nothing and I will still wait for actual reviews after the release
I truly don’t understand people that buy something on release day and then complain about bugs, now, in 2023.
And the unofficial patch that fixes the eorst of the bugs.
theres no way bethesda could make a game that was as buggy as new vegas was at launch (and still is to this day)
Bethesda didn’t make new vegas though. That was Obsidian.
exactly, bethesda isnt as good as obsidian at making buggy games 😂 though it was with fo3s engine and its assets
For context, Bethesda provided minimal support to Obsidian and gave them an absolutely absurdly short development time frame to make the game in. I think it was only a year.
The bugginess isn’t all their fault. The game director even released a free mod or two after the game released to do some rebalancing and add a survival mode to it.
it was 100% obsidians fault. they agreed to the time, and they yet again were way too ambitious, like with kotor 2. its just who obsidian is, bad time management and bad ambition management. they do make great games but those are 2 real flaws they have