🎉🎉🎉🎉 It’s Friday!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

The topic of this discussion is: anything.

Anything exciting going on in your life? Things got you down? Did you try a new recipe that you’d like to share? etc.

  • snooting@sub.wetshaving.social
    3 months ago

    Praise the weekend!

    We found out today that our company is withholding a holiday bonus for the entire company because it was an unprofitable year. Understandable I guess, but still very disappointing. Especially since I feel like I’ve carried a lot of responsibility and execution this year.

    My view is that we shouldn’t be punished because the execs are mismanaging the company…but what do I know?

    Oh well, more motivation to find the next thing.

    I’m very much looking forward to having almost two weeks off soon.

    Also started playing the Path of Exile 2 open beta this week, and the game is freaking great. It’s a much more punishing and methodical ARPG than PoE 1, which is right up my alley. I’m really looking forward to how it evolves over time.

    • gcgallant@sub.wetshaving.social
      3 months ago

      we shouldn’t be punished because the execs are mismanaging the company…but what do I know?

      Try running your own (software development) company for a while to find out :)

      • snooting@sub.wetshaving.social
        3 months ago

        Nah man, I have no interest in running a company. I’ve considered transitioning to working as a consultant, but I don’t want to be responsible for other people’s checks.

        • gcgallant@sub.wetshaving.social
          3 months ago

          My point was, if you own the company the brunt of bad decisions affect you directly and you have to deal with each one. If you’re an employee it is important to trust those in the hierarchy who make the decisions. If you don’t, then, as you say, time for the next thing.

          • snooting@sub.wetshaving.social
            3 months ago

            Yeah I took your point. I don’t trust the two guys leading the company at this point, so I’m making moves toward the next thing.

            I don’t mean to downplay how they must feel after a year of consistent loss. I have very little control over that though, and have put a ton of effort into my work this year.

            It’s a bit of a bummer all around.

            • gcgallant@sub.wetshaving.social
              3 months ago

              Yes, and it is really none of my business. I have been in the position of running a business that was primarily focused on software development. Some years were really tough especially when they came from dumb decisions that I made. I absolutely hate it when others suffer as a result of poor decision making on my part.

    • DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social
      3 months ago

      My view is that we shouldn’t be punished because the execs are mismanaging the company…but what do I know?

      Your view is, IMHO, exactly right. Unfortunately, a lot of corporations tend to let their workers suffer for the mistakes the higher-ups committed. Even if they are what really keeps the business running…

      If this mismanagement has affirmed your decision to leave the company, I say it’s a good idea. Your workforce is the most valuable thing they get from you; and if they don’t honour it, I say let them suffer the consequences by directing your efforts elsewhere. I know unions aren’t as big in the USA as they are over here in Germany, but I personally consider joining at least one that has the working people’s best interests in mind. Perhaps there’s something you can join that’s directly related to your field of work, if such things exist in the US? We have “Berufsfachverbände” over here, e.g. they cater to workers in the steel industry, healthcare, and so on. And perhaps you can find a company that won’t pressure you to stay out of unions and actually cares about their workers. I seriously wish you all the best in your efforts to find a better job.

      Personally, changing jobs at the end of the last year and starting anew in January 2024 was one of the best decisions of my life. It’s hard, mentally draining and involves lots of elbow grease. But in the end, it’s so worth it!

      • snooting@sub.wetshaving.social
        3 months ago

        Ah, yeah a union really isn’t an option. I work as a software developer, an industry in which unions don’t exist.

        I appreciate the encouragement. My decision to leave hinges more on feeling like I’ve hit the ceiling of growth in my current position. I’m the most senior developer on the team, so there are few opportunities to learn from others in my day to day.

        I’m definitely starting to send out résumés. We’ll see what happens!

        • DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social
          3 months ago

          I’m sorry to hear there are no unions/lobbies for software developers. It was just an idea that came to my mind - unions would’ve made withholding bonuses due to bad management a big issue. My employer works with ver.di, one of the biggest german worker unions - they always get some slight benefits for us settled. This year, it was an inflation bonus.

          I can totally understand your point - If you’re the most skilled team member, but no one of the execs appreciates it, that becomes very frustrating soon. I can relate how you actually want to improve further, but there seems to be a hard ceiling limit in your way.

          Fingers crossed for your resumes. I hear IT work is a bit of a wild ride in terms of the job market atm, but I hope you’ll be successful in securing a satisfying job at a good place. 🙏🏻

  • DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social
    3 months ago

    I have a free weekend, finally. But unluckily, there seems to be a problem with the central heating system in my flat. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem, but we currently have -5°C at night so it’s a bit uncomfortable. Hope they’ll fix it soon. Currently I help myself with blankets and a fleece pullover.

    Unfortunately I still am a professional at procrastination and feel like I am wasting a lot of my potential, both in work and in private. I feel like I’ve wasted a good chunk of my twenties and my thirties shouldn’t go down the drain too. I hope to finally start reading a book again this weekend - given that I have so many unfinished or not even started ones lying around here, I should find something.

    • walden@sub.wetshaving.socialM
      3 months ago

      I didn’t know, I’ve seen you talk a lot about your professional development. Not a waste at all. They say never stop learning, but it’s ok to take a break here and there!

      • DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social
        3 months ago

        Thanks walden, you’re right there. I often tend to see things in my life more negatively than they actually are. My profession is actually going really well - the exams will be very stressful next year, but that’s to be expected. I currently feel a bit lost at my new station since I don’t know the residents there too well and therefore lack the routine my colleagues have developed; but I can always improve. Thanks for the reality check! 🤝🏻

    • snooting@sub.wetshaving.social
      3 months ago

      I have found audiobooks to be hugely helpful in making progress through books. The ability to “read” while running, driving, or doing the dishes has helped me a lot.

      Also try not to be too hard on yourself. Life isn’t only about improvement, it’s also important to have downtime.

      • DaveWave94@sub.wetshaving.social
        3 months ago

        Thanks. For me personally, audiobooks are a bit of a double-edged sword with my ADHD. If everyone has a “stream of consciousness”, mine’s more like a ravaging ocean during a storm. I get distracted a lot, even when I watch video essays that provide a visual experience to illustrate their point. Podcasts are actually very hard for me to follow along due to this, but I think I could try audio books for some topics at least. There’s always the rewind button…

        I hear you. I often tend to have a very negative point of view. There’s still lots of areas to be improved, but that doesn’t need to happen constantly or all at the same time. I guess now would be a good time for me to delve into the works of Albert Camus, since that’s something that interested me for a long time but haven’t found the time nor energy to go deeper into such topics. It’s kinda hard when my early shifts tire me out so much that I fall asleep in my armchair; but there’s always a bit of free time to use for such things. Thanks for the positive encouragement! 👍🏻