I’ve been closeted for years now. It’s not safe for me to be/express who I really am, and I have no idea if or when I’ll ever be able to develop into an actual person. I intend to survive anyway, if only for the hope that I might somehow, someday make existence a little more bearable for others.

I find that I’m a bit more motivated to keep going when I’ve watched/read/listened to stuff that reminds me why I even try. Stuff that’s beautiful and/or believes that it’s worth it. Stuff that reminds me that I’m not the only one to do this, that I’m connected to everyone who came before and will come after, and that we’re not alone.

What helped you survive what you went through? What helps you now?

Can be anything really, as long as it’s something I can get my hands on via the internet. Preferably stuff without too much of a time investment (neurodivergence means I effectively have very little productive time), but honestly, I just want to hear from you.

  • gaiety@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 months ago

    Latest doctor who season gave me life. Start from 2023’s holiday special with David Tenant. Some good commentary on overcoming decades (for them, centuries) of trauma and has some darn decent representation without feeling awkward while doing it. Yes, there’s a fairly significant MTF character who’s actually MTF in real life Yasmin Finney. I think what helps me, is everything is far more about happy endings and acceptance while not denying prior history by sweeping it under the rug. Healing, in my opinion.