So… Wait. Does that mean capitalism is socialism too? /s in case anyone needs it
Everything is socialism, I guess.
No no, it’s only socialism if they’ve killed over a million people and it’s non-western
Essentially that the mechanisms creating billionaires in China, (state run capitalism), is a part of a calculated process of socialism.
Oh, I understand the argument. It wasn’t that I needed help to grasp it.
I just think the idea that the oligarchs of modern China have carefully analyzed socialism, and determined after their analysis that accumulating billions of dollars to themselves as part of a calculated process which will eventually result in doing away with their own wealth and power and handing it over to the working class when full socialism is achieved, is so asinine that I felt safe simply responding to it by showing Samuel Johnson giving a look to the camera like he’s just seen the dumbest shit he’s ever heard of.
Trickle down socialism
I think the implication to their argument is that the chinese billionaires aren’t oligarchs by virtue of not being a part of the current ‘archy’, but I getcha.
He’s the epitome of “lefties” slactivism, only knowledge of other country is via propaganda press, only knowledge of the ideology is theory, only action of the theory is shitposting on the internet.
In fact he isn’t even qualified as “leftist” as much as he likes to claim.
He’s the epitome of “lefties” slactivism, only knowledge of other country is via propaganda press,
An important addition to this point (not unique to him, most tankies do this) is the deliberately lazy epistemology. In a country that doesn’t have a real free press, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (of any given thing). They don’t just not accept this, they judge evil capitalist countries based one on the clear vision that a chaotic (and deeply flawed) free press provides, and judge “socialist” countries based on their propaganda.
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Just as soon as they’re done installing suicide nets on every business, they’ll start to root out the rampant capitalism that drives the unbearable work environments that have people jumping off of their workplaces
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Neoliberalism is actually praxis as it creates more billionaires /s
There are unironically some Marxists who think this. Advance late stage capitalism to increase its natural tensions and bring about revolution. Nonsense like this is the direct result of the quasi-apocalyptic (stagist) ideas embedded in Marxism.
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Liberalism is when you OBJECT to billionaires controlling the means of production.
You mean socialism/progressivism?
Because liberalism is a separate thing entirely and is generally okay with billionaires.
Sarcasm, I’m making fun of the tankie tendency to characterize everyone who disagrees with their view of ‘AES’ as liberal or liberalism. As such, objecting to China’s billionaires here would be ‘liberal’ opposition to socialism, in the context of the joke being made; whereas here in reality, as you note, liberals are fine with billionaires.
I get a little lost in the rhetoric and misused terminology.
For example, when people say “liberal,” they tend to mean either “progressive” or the more left major political party (Dems), but when they say “liberalism,” they tend to mean the ideal of maximizing individual rights. Modern self-described “liberals” tend to have an “ends justify the means” mentality (which tankies take to the absurd), whereas liberalism is all about the means.
So yeah, it’s focusing even before getting into “tankie logic,” which is entirely oxymoronic.
Not sure where I’m going with this, but thanks for clearing things up.
I thought MLs were against reformism and gradualism. They always state that you need mass revolution and a vanguard party. Now you’re telling me that the end result of the revolution and vanguard party is… more gradual reforms???
how long does it take to “fold in” those billionaires into poverty like the people they exploit?
“Gradual reforms, but now those of us in the party are reaping the benefits of the corrupt system instead of those filthy non-party members”
Give us absolute control and we’ll give it back after we created paradise, pinky-swear!
No no, the billionaires (and any landlord at all even including the nice old lady that rented us the punk house, and any small business owners that employ 1+ person other than themselves, and any farmers that won’t give their crop to the glorious revolution™, and…) will be dead and replaced by the autocrats, I mean vanguard party, which will wither away and cede power willingly as they become no longer necessary eventually.
It’s not stupid and naive at all!
What grinds my gears about MLs is they have the nerve to call anarchists naive.
Trust me bro.
Huh, funny enough, I said communists are stupid enough to believe their state will wither instead of try and hold power in a thread here like last month, and this fucking smeghead came in all “nuh uh marxists don’t believe in the withering of the state” and now he admits it?
(Wthering Of The State™: Marxist concept coined by Friedrich Engels. “Not marxist” indeed.)
Updooted for smeghead
He posts so much that I think it’s possible to make him have an argument with himself just by selecting his own comments to contradict him.
Unfortunately I don’t have the mental power to go through so much garbage.
A bit off-topic, but how do you add those tags besides usernames (such as the “Tankie influencer” thingy in the screenshot)? I’m also using Voyager, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
If you don’t see ‘tags’ in settings you’ll need to update it. If you installed from F-Droid you might need to go to the FDroid app and force it to recheck for updates. Mine kinda forgets to do it automatically sometimes (just like me fr)
Ohh, so you have to enable it in Settings first. Thanks! :)
You have to go to the user profile and press on the three dots at the top right corner then a menu should appear at the bottom of the screen where it says edit tags
Well, that does it. But it didn’t happen before for me, because as I said, I didn’t enable tags in Settings! 🤦
oh sorry I forgot to mention that. at least you got it working
Recently had a rather unpleasant exchange with him, didn’t know he had a reputation.
“I tried to tell her about Marx and Engels, God and angels-
I don’t really know what for, but she looked good in Ribbons”“Karlo Marx and Fredrich Engels / Came to the checkout at the 7-11 / Marx was skint - but he had sense / Engels lent him the necessary pence.”
Yeh-o, magnificence!!
I have no idea what half those words say and tbh I don’t want to. I’m here for the memes, computers, and cats 😎
This is your reminder for those who haven’t already, Add to your blocked instances list and blacklist the words “Trump Elon Harris… etc”
It will make your Lemmy experience SO much better. Wish there was an instance where it was the default because Lemmy has lost so many users to the circle pits of endless Trump and Tankie posts.Yep we know we are just documenting their bullshit so that it serves as an example as to why they have to be blocked.
Yes, when people are actively trying to disrupt democracy where I hang out I always like to just stick my fingers in my ears and go “NAH NAH NAH I CAN’T HEAR YOU”
Makes everything better in the long run
His instance is .ml and not Beehaw. Pretty sure why.
You haven’t blocked Cowbee yet?
Why block them when you can be entertained by them, I guess.