• Thorry84@feddit.nl
    3 months ago

    Yeah they were saying the flat earthers who accepted were paid actors or traitors. They claimed the whole thing was fake. Or that there would be a sun simulator at work. And even that looking up at the sky doesn’t tell you anything about the earth, you can only look down to tell something about the earth.

    A lot of them are straight up grifters, doing it to troll or have untreated mental health issues. Of course a combination will do as well. They prey on easily swayed people, who like to think they know the real truth and everyone else is being deceived. In a world where there are so many people and everybody is linked together through the internet, it’s harder and harder to think of yourself as an individual that matters. So joining a special group of elites that understand the world in a more fundamental way than even top scientists is very attractive. I sympathize with the people who get duped by people like flat earthers. It says a lot that something as easily disproven and as wrong as the flat earth still gets some traction.

    Big up for the final experiment dude to put up the money and organize it all. I hope it convinces even some people flat earthers are wrong and crazy, then it will be worth it.

    • JokeDeity@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      I don’t think we should leave lead poisoning out of any discussion involving crazy humans. An entire generation had their brains cooked by it.