Elon Musk’s extreme agenda is a threat to the world. He helped elect someone who’s going to take away our rights and try to become a dictator and despite his wealth doubling after the election his greed and thirst for power isn’t and never will be satisfied. He wants to do the same in the UK. Very likely he will try to consolidate and gain power and wealth globally.

I’ve been brain storming ideas of what we can do to deal with him and here is what I came up with.

  1. Do what you can to get as many people off Twitter/X as possible. Since he has control over Twitter he manipulates the algorithm to boost himself and his interests. It’s great if you can tell anyone you know to stop using Twitter but what would have a bigger impact is if large accounts and institutions stopped using Twitter. Try leaving a comment on their page about why using Twitter is bad. This will also have a benefit that other people will see you comment. You can also send a DM to their account.

  2. Try to get your country to ban Twitter/X. There’s a petition to get X banned in the EU. This could be important for the survival of your country. Musk could show you propaganda that’s bad for your country so banning X would be a good idea.

  3. Contact advertisers on Twitter and demand they stop advertising. Send screenshots of their ads next to neo-Nazi and extreme content to the people who paid for the ads. They will not be happy seeing their ads next to that kind of content.

  4. Mass simultaneous strike or resignations at his companies especially Twitter. I think this one might be the most powerful one. Imagine if most employees all of a sudden stopped working or quit. Maybe a lot of employees could quit and start a rival company. The sad thing about Elon’s companies is there are many smart, talented and hardworking people who don’t get the credit for all they put into working for Elon. Also I’d highly recommend this article about turnover contagion.

  5. Investigate and sue for any illegal activity. Analyze everything he and his companies do under a microscope and if he did something illegal make sure he faces justice for it. Hold him accountable in all countries, not just the US.

  6. Boycott of his products. Make sure to not only boycott his product but do everything you can so other people also boycott. The less money Elon has, the less power he has.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can stop Elon Musk. If you have any ideas on how these ideas could be implemented or have ideas of your own please do share!

  • WeUnite@lemm.eeOP
    3 months ago

    That’s a very well written analysis! I agree, things won’t be easy but we must try. I think he’s at his peak now or will soon reach his peak and then start declining. With Twitter I see the most evidence of it declining so I think we must strike Twitter while the iron is hot.