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The original was posted on /r/android by /u/RAXIZZ on 2023-09-02 17:36:55+00:00.

I ordered one of each to see which I like better in real usage before returning one. I found the online reviews to be pretty superficial about the differences, so here are some details in case anybody else finds it useful. I’m trying to limit comments to cover screen only without getting into anything about which phone is overall better. These are roughly in order of what’s most important to me, obviously your own priorities will be different.

Points for Flip:

  • Razr keyboard fills the screen, making it basically useless for any autocomplete menu. Flip is more like a normal keyboard that lets you keep interacting with the app.
  • Flip has more vertical space for apps when Razr isn’t in fullscreen mode.
  • Flip properly shows Assistant responses. Razr is audio only.
  • When your alarm rings, Flip has a proper UI while Razr gives a normal notification with tiny buttons
  • When you have a timer or stopwatch running, Flip shows the relevant info on home screen. Razr just has a notification icon.
  • Flip has widgets for alarm, timer, and stopwatch. Razr can only use the normal clock app for these.
  • Neither has folders or customization on launcher screen. Flip shows more icons on each page. Razr shows app names.
  • Flip feels like more solid build quality. It’s fun to open and close. Razr feels fine but nothing special.
  • Razr has more random bugs. The swipe area for quick settings is weirdly small and really hard to use when there’s a case on. I’ve had it freeze when trying to switch an app to fullscreen. Sometimes double tap to wake doesn’t work. Etc.
  • Flip has more variety and quality of cases available to buy.

Points for Razr:

  • Razr shows normal notification with all the usual quick actions, and tapping them opens the app. Flip has a completely custom notification UI that does much less.
  • Razr has normal quick settings with full customization. Flip has a non-customizable subset with limited functionality.
  • Flip refuses to open Google Wallet on cover screen. Payments work, but there’s no UI or feedback.
  • Fullscreen mode on Razr gives more space but makes some apps unusable.
  • Razr has ‘recent apps’ view and the ‘previous app’ gesture works. Flip can only go back to the home screen.
  • Razr camera has “mirror mode” while Flip will shut off the screen after a while if you’re not actually recording video.
  • Motorolla’s “twist” and “chop” gestures work while the phone is closed
  • Razr gives “continue” button with the app you were using before closing the phone. Flip does nothing.