It’s a common Indian thing to type a greeting, then wait for a response before actually getting to the point. It drives a lot of people crazy, because now we have to respond back and prompt them to tell us what they need and wait for a response, which is frequently a while later, causing a lot of interruption to what might otherwise be productive working time.
It turns a “can you send me this info” 5 minute task into a multiple interruption pain in the ass
and if the conversation is already ongoing, just say that you are writing a wall of text, or write it all out without care, instant communication is a new thing but writing letters or quick mail inquiries are not. communication skills are so weird for some people.
It’s a common Indian thing to type a greeting, then wait for a response before actually getting to the point. It drives a lot of people crazy, because now we have to respond back and prompt them to tell us what they need and wait for a response, which is frequently a while later, causing a lot of interruption to what might otherwise be productive working time.
It turns a “can you send me this info” 5 minute task into a multiple interruption pain in the ass
That’s offensive. ‘Hello’ means “I’m typing a quick wall of text, and please just wait like 1 minute because it could be a time-sensitive thing”
Just append the hello to the beginning of the wall of text.
and if the conversation is already ongoing, just say that you are writing a wall of text, or write it all out without care, instant communication is a new thing but writing letters or quick mail inquiries are not. communication skills are so weird for some people.