Yes, I’m serious. If they follow through on the tariffs, there should be economic retaliation, because the tariffs they’re talking about are fucking stupid. But you shouldn’t harm your own citizens in the act of retaliating.
Edit: Sorry I’m dumb. I misread your comment multiple times and thought you suggested we should just implement tariffs, as opposed to counter-tarrifs (not sanctions like you said). I think I haven’t had enough sleep…
That’s dumb. Just hit us with sanctions.
Yes, I’m serious. If they follow through on the tariffs, there should be economic retaliation, because the tariffs they’re talking about are fucking stupid. But you shouldn’t harm your own citizens in the act of retaliating.
Yeah let’s kick the americans out of rota and rammstein bases.
Edit: Sorry I’m dumb. I misread your comment multiple times and thought you suggested we should just implement tariffs, as opposed to counter-tarrifs (not sanctions like you said). I think I haven’t had enough sleep…