Please stop trying to fool people with your revisionist and rose colored glasses historical fiction. Cherry picking some out of context quote is just disingenuous, and doesn’t make sense for me to continue discussing this then.
Nazis and Kulaks weren’t “ranks” of “Stalin’s people,” they were fascists and leeches on the masses of the peasantry, respectively. And Wikipedia gets its “excess” mortality numbers from garbage sources the like fascist propaganda The Black Book of Communism.
You can’t help but refer to Wikipedia, can you, when this whole thread was about Wikipedia’s questionable reliability on topics that relate to Western imperialist talking points?
It must be so easy being a reactionary ultra-nationalist like you: you Just assume anything that confirms your pre-existing beliefs is true and anything that challenges them are “bias lies”.
Please stop trying to fool people with your revisionist and rose colored glasses historical fiction. Cherry picking some out of context quote is just disingenuous, and doesn’t make sense for me to continue discussing this then.
Nazis and Kulaks weren’t “ranks” of “Stalin’s people,” they were fascists and leeches on the masses of the peasantry, respectively. And Wikipedia gets its “excess” mortality numbers from garbage sources the like fascist propaganda The Black Book of Communism.
You can’t help but refer to Wikipedia, can you, when this whole thread was about Wikipedia’s questionable reliability on topics that relate to Western imperialist talking points?
Yeah, “Nazis” and “Kulaks”
Either read a book or stop posting wiki articles on a topic you don’t know anything about.
Okay thanks for your super unbiased sources, I’ll read them all the same because it’s nice to know the kind of lies other people like to believe
Yeah you’re not going to read them. And everyone knows there is no such thing as unbiased sources, so \/\/.
It must be so easy being a reactionary ultra-nationalist like you: you Just assume anything that confirms your pre-existing beliefs is true and anything that challenges them are “bias lies”.
It’s a perfectly closed circle of reasoning.
If this isn’t a tell that OP herself is extremely biased against anything that goes against hegemonic imperial core ideology, I don’t know what is.
Now do excess mortality in Tsarist Russia and excess mortality in Russia after the collapse of the USSR.
Also, fucking hilarious to look at excess mortality in a period where world war 2 happened, lol.