Common Telegram L
The other day, someone was trying to explain to me how telegram is being used for people looking for privacy and security. 😂
Yup…i remembered back in old days Telegram advertised as High Privacy & High Security chat app
I still don’t understand why people would use services that require a phone number
Most people don’t care. And that’s fine, they don’t have a reason to. There’s a lot of other things that are probably a higher priority for them.
Bigger question is if you’re going to be doing things that are in any way considered shady or bad, why would you not take any precautions?
They do have to, we are literally living the era of Cambridge Analyticas and troll factories that proves why. Imagine tying your phone number to Twitter’s app just to be classified as a troublemaker and persecuted in things like job searches just for disagreeing with Musk, it’s closer to reality than you think.
Signal is getting better. Maybe someday they’ll support Telegram’s features like pinning messages and large rooms. But they are a good alternative already if all you want to do is chat and share memes.
Shitty criminals shouldn’t be protected, end of story.
Ahh yes, the “i have nothing to hide why do I need privacy” argument.
Do you close your curtains or lower the blinds? Lock your front door? You must be a criminal.
I guarantee you do something that’s illegal somewhere regularly.
Yeah, I pirate. Biiiiiiiig fucking deal!
But am I fucking going around on Telegram in child abuse or trafficking rings or some other shit? Am I part of the child pornography ring or some other shit? Get the fuck real, you moron.
Thats literally why the bill of rights and due process exist. Legally and constitutionally everyone has a right to privacy and due process.
Not criminals. You’re trolling.