Since Windows 11 has recently become borderline unusable in many old PCs, I’m trying to convince some people to try Linux. Problem is that I have spent the last few years with a custom built Archlinux and have no idea what is the recommended starter distro nowadays.

They’re stubborn and not willing to learn how to use a terminal or anything of the sort, which clashes with my CS background experience too.

Any recommendations? DPKG distros are okay, but bonus points for rolling release ones.

Edit: thanks for the help y’all! I’ll take a look on Mint and maybe Manjaro.

    3 days ago

    Linux Mint is what you need. Don’t put them on rolling release distros, they all have troubles after a bad update (it happens to all of them eventually). You want a stable distro for newbies. So that would mean either Debian (which unfortunately doesn’t have many GUI panels to do admin stuff apart from what the DE offers), or Mint (which does).

    I wouldn’t suggest Ubuntu or fedora because they use about 2 GB of RAM on a cold boot, which means that you need an 8 GB PC to do stuff comfortably. With Mint, if you remove a couple of unneeded services, it starts at 900 MB of RAM, which would run on a 4 GB laptop easily when you load lots of web browsing tabs. Your friends would probably try Linux first on their old laptops, instead of their current ones too, from fear that it would nuke their Windows, so the ram usage matters.

    If a friend of yours have a too-old laptop/PC with 2 GB of RAM, then I’d suggest you install the Q4OS distro on it (with the Trinity Desktop), with Falkon or Chromium as browsers (they use less ram than firefox). It boots at 350 MB of RAM, and it comes with an easier-to-use interface than other lite Linux distros (e.g. puppy linux, antix, DamnSmallLinux etc).

    Another thing to know about Mint is that it’s one of the few distros that can install to, and boot from a USB stick. Basically, you create a live USB stick, you boot from it, and then you insert a second usb stick (64 GB or more), and then you EJECT it from the desktop when it auto-mounts. It will then allow you to install Mint on that second usb stick! So for friends that don’t want to dual boot, or they’re afraid their Windows will get nuked, you can get them to boot and try Mint that way (with their changes SAVED, unlike with the live usb that loses the changes after a boot). I’ve been running from USB on two machines, where I can’t easily replace their slow hard drives, without problems (although the emmc inside goes bad after about a year if used a lot – it’s more of a semi-permanent solution, but great to introduce friends and family to Linux without nuking Windows).

    One suggestion would be to install for them the Cinnamenu menu instead of the default Mint one. It’s both cleaner, and a more modern take on the old Windows menu, no useless stuff or duplication of options to confuse newbies – CLEAN interface:

    Also, wait for the Mint 22.1 to be released in a few days, and change the theme to the new “Cinnamon” (it’s their new theme, but they haven’t enabled it by default – it looks great).

    Also, because Mint is based on Ubuntu, 99% of the tutorials or fixes online for ubuntu, also apply to Mint.