I haven’t read the whole thread yet, but so far the choice line is:
I like how you just dropped the “Vance is interested in right authoritarianism” like it’s a known fact to base your entire point on. Vance is the clearest demonstration of a libertarian the republicans have in high office. It’s an absurd ad hominem that you try to mask in your wall of text.
rationalists whoo
I think we can all agree now that US Rationalists are basically all ex-Christians who are looking for the same thing but with the serial numbers filed off.
Some of them are even returning to presumably evangelical churches.
Sedevacantist Catholic or Russian Orthodox more likely
Apparently for all the cosplaying of alt righters going Russian Orthodox, not that many actually go to church. ( Which is an important part). Thankfully for the priests who would have to deal with the madmen.
I mean, I think actually having to interact with these loons would be a strong incentive to liberalize their theology which would be a good thing.
It’s the glitz of Catholicism with fewer of those pesky liberals around.
Also, some Orthodox monasteries had an enslaved workforce until well into the 19th century, which must appeal to neoreactionary scum.
Another reason right-wing shitheads are becoming tradorthodox instead of tradcath these days is because they think the current Pope is a woke liberal monster.
I happened to be at mass today. There was a little explanation in the missalette that not only did Jesus’s death redeem the sins of everyone today, he also redeemed all the sinners who lived and died before Christ came. I dunno, it reminded me of the Roko’s Basilisk eternal judgment computer simulation…