Demand your white friends show them their green card or birth certificate.
If you think that’s a joke, ask around. I’ve been asked that twice in my life. But because I’m not Default American™, I have to prove a lot harder that I was born here.
Yup. Everyone is quick to forget how the US treated Irish, Italian, and Jewish people in past generations. There really is such a thing as “not white enough”, and when these jerks run out of people to pick on, that’s next.
Demand your white friends show them their green card or birth certificate.
If you think that’s a joke, ask around. I’ve been asked that twice in my life. But because I’m not Default American™, I have to prove a lot harder that I was born here.
And if they do, tell them, “no, the long form birth certificate,” since that was demanded of Obama (and it still wasn’t enough).
Yup. Everyone is quick to forget how the US treated Irish, Italian, and Jewish people in past generations. There really is such a thing as “not white enough”, and when these jerks run out of people to pick on, that’s next.