I didn’t forget to eat again, I’m just intermittent fasting.
freestyle & impromptu intermittent fasting
Actually this is legit my headcanon too - I don’t think I have any eating related disorder (sure, I can’t form patterns & eat at the same time every day, or every day, but that’s it), however I do think I know what I need to eat (cravings or whatever lesser cravings are called).
As long as my brain gets to connect the dots between taste and specific nutrients, I think I know what I need to eat.
I literally never feel hunger due to a rare non-body image related eating disorder. (ARFID, look it up, it’s fun.)
One odd thing though- when I use cannabis, my brain tells me to have food even though I don’t feel hunger.
The power of munchies transcends eating disorders
At least mine. Too bad it most often affects children or it might be quite helpful.
That’s wild, thanks for sharing
I have that too! I could go days without eating if I don’t make an effort. I even have a personal rule that if I haven’t eaten by 2p, I have to stop whatever I’m doing and eat. However, if I exercise, my appetite kicks in, so it’s best that I have an exercise regiment if I want to stay eating regular.
I set alarms so I can eat.
My wife has ARFID, and it’s so hard on her. That’s so interesting that you don’t feel hunger, she definitely does but has a very very small list of safe foods she wants.
ARFID seems to be a “we have no idea what to call this, but the therapy seems to work most of the time” disorder.
This is my secret to staying thin
This plus hyperthyroidism is why many people keep trying to convince me I have anorexia.
That’s awful. Most people are polite enough not to tell people “hey you’re fucking fat” to their face but will pester skinny people with rude jokes and comments allll the time. Doesn’t exactly help with body image.
For me it’s “I feel like I’m gonna be sick”, Better eat something.
I swear my wife waits till she gets headaches and needs to eat, I always offer to cook but for some reason the migraines are the real decider of when we eat
We work on the “if I’m hungry, you’re hungry” policy most days.
Occasionally my partner will do that too. I’ve had it happen to me, like, twice. It’s so weird, but it straight up just sneaks up on you.
As long as you have a healthy bodyweight, enough muscle mass and eat enough nutrients it’s fine.
People eat way too much and too often anyway. Many people are pre-diabetic without them knowing it. And it’s because they give their body constantly glucose spikes. 3 meals full of carbs and several sugary snacks throughout the day will slowly damage your body since your body doesn’t likely having so much glucose in the bloodstream.
If my body doesn’t like having so much sugar in it then why does it fucking crave it all the time
Your brain wants sugar, but the rest of your body not especially your liver. Because your brain is a junkie for sugar.
Well sugar is a lot like drugs…
My body clearly loves glucose, and I listen to my body.
Experimental dog
Salivating dog
Good dog
Waitin’ for the dinner bell to the bell thing
Yeah. Juat be sure to drink fluids. Way easier to do than people think.
It’s not fun trying to prep food with unsteady hands. Made worse by the fact I already ate all my snacks in the last hunger.
I’ve been meaning to make some delicious cabbage soup recently.
Except that I always forget to cook it until I’m about to pass out and I end up making something quick like a wrap or plain rice.
That, and when you touch raw meat, you have to wash them to avoid cross-contamination. So you’re hands are constantly wet then getting dried, the towel gets to wet, and your hands get too dry.
Bro I didn’t figure this out til a couple weeks ago.
I have epilepsy and for the longest couldn’t figure out what the trigger was. Turns out I was was skipping dinner a lot so when I would wake up and skip breakfast I would become dehydrated which is what was triggering my seizures.
Crazy part is I’ve been doing that my whole life. I thought it was lack of sleep for a long time til I had a late day seizure. Anyways make sure y’all eat timely 😅
I used to be like this. But I got sick of looking like Christian Bale in The Machinist. Now working on looking like Christian Bale in Batman Begins.
I just don’t feel hungry anymore. My stomach is such a constant mess of pain and stress that it’s hard to really differentiate a hunger pang or a hunger gurgle from an acid reflux pang or a gas gurgle. I really miss just having a healthy stomach that would let me know when it’s time to eat, and when to stop eating.
First 8 months on Ozempic: “Why the hell does my stomach hurt so much? Oh, I haven’t eaten for 3 days.”
The first couple weeks I had to set an alarm to remind me to eat. 3 years later I wish it still had the appetite suppression. I’ve thought about Wegovy but I’ve finally stopped having the Ozempic side effects, and I don’t hate myself enough to go through with that again.
There are many other reasons I would shack: I feel cold, I feel immense rage. That’s about it.
Shaking is just your liver not adjusted to regular fasting, right?
No necessarily.