James Harrison, who held the world record for the highest number of blood donations, has died at 88 years old.

His blood had a rare property that gave it the power to help babies with certain diseases. Two and a half million people owe their lives to him.

I don’t know if he saved my life, but seeing that he passed away, my first reaction is to ask “what would he have wanted us to do in return?”

If he is the reason 0.05% of the world is alive today, it shouldn’t be outside the realm of things to imbue some kind of authority in him.

After a lot of looking, some point out that based on his character and interactions, his last wishes seem to be to be kind, trusting, understanding, and forgiving if there is even the smallest reason to be. But I’m wondering if anyone here has any knowledge I don’t.

I’m not religious in the slightest, but my god, if there’s a Heaven, I hope he’s sitting right next to Jesus.

  • venotic@kbin.melroy.org
    5 days ago

    I don’t know if he would. I would really hope though that before he died, that he knew how many he saved.