From Prof. Eliot Jacobson:
Wow! Wow! Wow!
North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies are going vertical again. And yes, I needed to extend the y-axis.
Yesterday’s temperature of 24.49°C (76.08°F) was 4.2σ above the 1991-2020 mean. The previous high for July 17 was 23.71°C (74.68°F) in 2020.
Honestly how long do we have until we experience massive fishing and crop failures everywhere?
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On a planetary scale, I don’t think we’re going to have trouble feeding ourselves, it’s just that a) meat is going to become thoroughly unaffordable and b) an awful lot of crop production is going to shift towards the poles, creating many a geopolitical clusterfuck along the way.
Disaster movies are too obvious, and too tidy; it’s going to be a century of the average human’s life getting just a bit more hellish every year. Acutely hellish for some, barely hellish at all for others, but basically, we’re going to slowly roll back most of the improvements in human welfare over the past few centuries until we’ve got starving serfs all over the place and plagues and famines and natural disasters absolutely flattening entire countries for years at a time.
Very fucking soon.
You ever watch disaster movies? They’re only 2-2.5hrs average.
Well, imagine this is a movie. The 100+ years of data we ignored was that “secret file” that was just discovered. The new high temps are the geeky science guy yelling “oh shit!”
Remember what happens right after that? Very, very quick collapse. Food disaster, heat disaster, weather events and oxygen decrease in our atmosphere.
We’ll either starve, boil, suffocate or kill each other trying to survive.
I think it’s within a couple years. Not decades that is typically reported.