Holy Christ, comrade! It reminds of when Frederick Barbarossa fell from his horse, drowned, and that changed the course of the Third Crusade, or so I’ve heard. Not saying that was a bad thing; I’m saying random events can change World History.
My point is, should the CIA murder Putin or he simply gets a stroke (or multiple) like Lenin, and gets replaced by some pro-US puppet, world future could change from beautiful communism to a century of barbarism.
Not that I like Putin (ultra conservative capitalist who persecutes the Russian Left), but the World could be severely fucked if this bastard falls off a bike, hits his head on the curb and dies.
Or maybe thats Great Man Theory. I am weak on dialectical materialism. I am a newbie on communism and have much to study.
Holy Christ, comrade! It reminds of when Frederick Barbarossa fell from his horse, drowned, and that changed the course of the Third Crusade, or so I’ve heard. Not saying that was a bad thing; I’m saying random events can change World History.
My point is, should the CIA murder Putin or he simply gets a stroke (or multiple) like Lenin, and gets replaced by some pro-US puppet, world future could change from beautiful communism to a century of barbarism.
Not that I like Putin (ultra conservative capitalist who persecutes the Russian Left), but the World could be severely fucked if this bastard falls off a bike, hits his head on the curb and dies.
Or maybe thats Great Man Theory. I am weak on dialectical materialism. I am a newbie on communism and have much to study.