When the US Constitution was written, many people − from those who wrote the document to those on the outside who read it − believed that endowing the president with kinglike powers was dangerous.
More like it was put in place to stop people like Lincoln and FDR. The founders were economic elites, whether slaveowners or rich capitalists, and they were afraid that “the mob” would elect someone who would persue the material interests of the common people, against them, especially in regards to slavery.
The purpose of the Electoral College was to guarantee that the president was elected by the states and not the people. So you are half right, the electoral college can interfere if it’s not what the states want. While there are some states that want to always go with the popular vote not all are on board.
Would love to abolish the EC and add ranked choice voting nationally.
💯 And mail-in ballots for all voters, and all races have a “none of the above” option, and an actual majority from all eligible voters is required to win, and if “none of the above” wins the election we do a new election with all new candidates.
The Electoral College was put in place, at least in part, exactly to stop the public at large from electing someone like Trump.
More like it was put in place to stop people like Lincoln and FDR. The founders were economic elites, whether slaveowners or rich capitalists, and they were afraid that “the mob” would elect someone who would persue the material interests of the common people, against them, especially in regards to slavery.
The purpose of the Electoral College was to guarantee that the president was elected by the states and not the people. So you are half right, the electoral college can interfere if it’s not what the states want. While there are some states that want to always go with the popular vote not all are on board.
And yet, the purpose of a system is what it does.
Would love to abolish the EC and add ranked choice voting nationally.
💯 And mail-in ballots for all voters, and all races have a “none of the above” option, and an actual majority from all eligible voters is required to win, and if “none of the above” wins the election we do a new election with all new candidates.