I can do whatever I want. I can leave the door open while I go to the bathroom. If I want to skip a shower, no one will complain. Glorious, boring freedom.
you could even
*looks around*
bring the whole milk carton and an entire box of cookies to the telly
You certainly will not regret eating the entire box of cookies
Call me dull but when the family’s away, I love to tidy up first, then do all the things I would normally do (w/out distraction). However, I also turn up the stereo to get my groove on, and of course order dinner from a place they never let me. Either Chinese dumplings, Detroit-style pizza, street-style Thai, or Texas-style barbecue.
Call me dull
You’re in the right place.
You’re going to end up straightening up aren’t you.
Well, as long as you got some tunes. :D
Enjoy your two days of freedom!
Eat a Fray Bentos pie straight out of the tin